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load scripts

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load scripts

Post by K »

if i have in dir scr 10 scripts file and i whant to load all these files with one command in eggdrop.conf
not like:

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source scr/script1.tcl
source scr/script2.tcl
and so one i wonder if is psobile to make a script and you add the lines in the scripts and add only that script to eggdrop.conf

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source scr/alscripts.tcl
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Post by greenbear »

Just add this to the end of your config file, and it'll load any *.tcl script inside the 'src/' dir

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set scriptdir scr/
foreach script [glob $scriptdir\*.tcl] { 
 source $script
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Post by awyeah »

Nice useful code, gb. Might come in handy for me as well. I have many files, but I put all into one, like 400kb, but when I modify my scripts (almost like daily or so) then I have to upload all the 400kb, so I've split them again into smaller pieces, heh. I'll try it out as well.

Facebook: (Jay Dee)
PS: Guys, I don't accept script helps or requests personally anymore.
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no or yes

Post by K »

yes but if the scripts have diferent names it don't work and if i whant to start the scripts in a order that funtion even not :)
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Post by greenbear »

It will load any tcl script in the dir specified.

if you want to load the scripts in a particular order, you can for example do

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set scriptdir scr/
foreach script [lsort -dictionary [glob $scriptdir\*.tcl]] {
 source $script
and it will load them in alphabetic order.
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Post by awyeah »

All files will have different names. You can't have 2 files with the same names, case-letters and extensions. They would cease to exist.

As for the names, all your tcl files have *.tcl extensions, so what ever names they have, or which ever case letters, this foreach loop will execute and load them, no matter what names/cases letters they have. So all scripts in your /scripts dir with the exention .tcl will be loaded.

As for sorting them alphabetically with respect to increasing or decreasing first letter of file names, you can use lsort.

To my knowledge what I have learned a few days ago.
Lsort can be use in such a way.

If I am right, this should be it.
For increasing alphabetical sequence or decreasing alphabetical sequence.

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#Will sort and load the files from alphabetically increasing first letters of file names
#(A to Z)
[lsort -dictionary -increasing [glob $scriptdir\*.tcl]]

#Will sort and load the files from alphabetically decreasing first letters of file names
#(Z to A)
[lsort -dictionary -decreasing [glob $scriptdir\*.tcl]]
For more switches on lsort. See the tcl manual with reference to the lsort function.

Facebook: (Jay Dee)
PS: Guys, I don't accept script helps or requests personally anymore.
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Post by metroid »

Here is an even better code, It loads all scripts and if there is an error, it will do it will skip the script and tell u in a putlog

"ERROR: the following error occured while evaluating ${script}: $error"


Here it is

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foreach script [glob scripts/*] {
  if {(![file isdirectory $script]) && ([regexp {^(.+)\.tcl$} $script])} {
    catch {source $script} error
    if {$error != ""} {
      putlog "ERROR: the following error occured while evaluating ${script}: $error"
ps. put this at the end of the eggdrop.conf
All credits go to perplexa for this script :)