lilGTO wrote:hmmmm thats good... but i was thinking more along the lines of 1m47s... users get really confused sometimes...
If the output is 1m47s:
You can split the string from "m" and then make two seperate variables out of it one for '1 minute' and the other for '47 seconds'. In the 47s you will need to trimright the "s".
Then you can give and output of both variables joining them together with
somelike I use "[$var1] min and [$var2] secs." or "[$var1].[$var2] mins/secs"
Which will give the results:
Your ping reply is 1 min and 47 seconds. -or-
Your ping reply is 1.47 mins/secs.
There is a script by eggping.tcl by Souperman which does the same and you can find it on It's name is eggping.tcl which gives replies in milliseconds.
Side note: You need to atleast have TCL 8.3 or greater to get replies in milliseconds.