Yes surely it is possible via TCL, you can send a notice containing any text to any users with specific channel|global flags. However you would have to make the bot respond on a public trigger or a bind on a specific event for it to trigger on.
Facebook: (Jay Dee) PS: Guys, I don't accept script helps or requests personally anymore.
You didn't specify a problem, but heres the code for your logic.
If you have the variable $hand, then you can use this otherwise you need nick2hand to get it, and you need to have $nick for that as well, if it is from a raw or something.
4 the line u gave me, i need to have to check all identified users. one by one
i asume i have to do this with the while or for loop but how do i get the list with al identified users ??
4 the line u gave me, i need to have to check all identified users. one by one
i asume i have to do this with the while or for loop but how do i get the list with al identified users ??
Well they don't have to be identified. If you use a special tcl script which requires passwords and authrization then you might have to make your notice script according to that as there maybe a custom flag invovled when the user has authorized (identified) himself with the bot.
Other than that I don't think it is a problem. You don't need to check all users in the bot's list, as mostly hostmasks are added in the .user file rather than nicks. What you can try is do a foreach loop of the channels followed by another foreach loop of the channel list of each channel and if a user's flag matches your custom/defined flag then notice that user, or alternatively you can check persons users flags on join/part and so on.
Facebook: (Jay Dee) PS: Guys, I don't accept script helps or requests personally anymore.