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chattr and priority problems

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chattr and priority problems

Post by sandberg »

Hi.. I got two problems with the netbots.

First: ( )
When I load the script to the bot I can't chattr the other users.
But if I disable it, its possible. So something got to be wrong in
my config. Can't figure out what it is.

My other problem is that the 'set cl_priority' doesn't seem to work
for me (chanlimit.tcl). Insted I get:
-!- mode/#GlassBil [+l 33] by Stacie, Minogue0, Aguilera, Minogue, Spears
This is the activated parts of my config:

Code: Select all

# netbots.tcl settings
set nb_flag all
set nb_key "not public =)"
set nb_defctrl "*"
set nb_owner 0
set nb_ctrlbots ""
set nb_max 5
set nb_timeout 180
set nb_netupdate 2
set nb_nettcl 0
set nb_update "GlassBil"
set nb_chon 1
set nb_broadcast ""
set nb_cmdcast 0
set nb_castfilter "addhost ident .chpass .newpass .note"

set nb_servers {
 ...And then alot more servers... 

# botnetop.tcl settings
set nb_component(botnetop) 1
set bop_delay 2
set bop_maxreq 0
set bop_modeop 0
set bop_linkop 1
set bop_icheck 0
set bop_hcheck 1
set bop_osync 0
set bop_addhost 0
set bop_log 2

# chanlimit.tcl settings
set nb_component(chanlimit) 1
set cl_chans "#GlassBil"
set cl_priority "Christina Dannii Kylie Stacie Britney"
set cl_echans "#VVR"
set cl_limit 5
set cl_grace 2
set cl_timer 1
set cl_server 1
set cl_log 1

# extras.tcl settings
set nb_component(extras) 1
set ex_cleanup 0
set ex_clearbans 0
set ex_newuser "GlassBil"
set ex_opall 1

# mass.tcl settings
set nb_component(mass) 1
set ma_reason "closing temporarily"

# sentinel.tcl settings
set nb_component(sentinel) 1
set sl_bcflood 5:5
set sl_bmflood 5:5
set sl_ccflood 5:3
set sl_avflood 5:3
set sl_tsunami 10
set sl_txflood 20:10
set sl_boflood 4:20
set sl_jflood 4:20
set sl_nkflood 6:20
set sl_ban 30
set sl_boban 30
set sl_globalban 0
set sl_wideban 1
set sl_banmax 100
set sl_igtime 240
set sl_masktype 2
set sl_ilocktime 60
set sl_mlocktime 60
set sl_shortlock 1
set sl_bfmaxbans 0
set sl_note "GlassBil"
set sl_cfnotice "Channel locked temporarily due to flood, sorry for any inconvenience this may cause :-)"
set sl_bfnotice "Channel locked temporarily due to full ban list, sorry for any inconvenience this may cause :-)"
set sl_lockcmds 2
set sl_lockflags "o"
set sl_bxsimul 0
Hope you can help me figure out whats wrong.

Best regards
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Post by YooHoo »

first, what makes you think that netbots is responsible for the crossed wires in your chattr? Did you restart the bot sans netbots only, or did you comment out all those third party scripts you were loading as well? I question whether you truly investigated the source of the error and discovered netbots to be responsible... I strongly suspect one of those extra scripts you are loading will be the culprit...

second, regarding set cl_priority, I ask once again how you come to the conclusion that this variable doesn't work... :wink: sure seems to work fine over here.
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Post by sandberg »

YooHoo wrote:first, what makes you think that netbots is responsible for the crossed wires in your chattr? Did you restart the bot sans netbots only, or did you comment out all those third party scripts you were loading as well? I question whether you truly investigated the source of the error and discovered netbots to be responsible... I strongly suspect one of those extra scripts you are loading will be the culprit...
I only comment out the netbots.tcl, because it was the only script I had on the bot. So yes, it better be it?

YooHoo wrote: second, regarding set cl_priority, I ask once again how you come to the conclusion that this variable doesn't work... :wink: sure seems to work fine over here.
Should I use diffrent timers on the bots when they should react? Doesn't look so nice when everyone sets the limit at the same time. The same thing with flood-join and such things, they all inform the channel about that someone is flood-joining. Should I only config so one bot handels that?
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Post by YooHoo »

regarding your persistent problem with chattr, I still don't think that netbots is responsible... more than likely either your egg is defective or you have something in the conf file interfering with eggdrop's core settings. Unless anyone else has any clever fix-it... and you are desperate enough.. you can email me your conf file ( and I will go over it... maybe it's something simple that can be fixed readily :lol: maybe not :cry: we'll see :mrgreen:

as for the set cl_priority variable string, maybe reading what is posted here will clear up your confusion :mrgreen: good luck :wink:
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Post by sandberg »

I updated the "new" version (19 August 2002) of chanlimit.tcl.
Hopefully this one will work better, we'll see later on when it
needs to change the limit. Low activity at the moment.

And now you got mail YooHoo. 8)
I hope you can find some misstakes in the config. Good luck!
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Post by Alchera »

The netbots script(s) do nothing regarding (re)binding .chattr. I have used this excellent brainchaild of slennox for 3 years plus without any drama, especially with a core command.
Add [SOLVED] to the thread title if your issue has been.
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Post by sandberg »

Alchera wrote:The netbots script(s) do nothing regarding (re)binding .chattr. I have used this excellent brainchaild of slennox for 3 years plus without any drama, especially with a core command.
I have used eggdrops for about 2-2½ years. But this is the first time I
use netbots. I havnt had any major problems with eggdrops before, this
is the first time.

Chanlimit.tcl is working fine now, thanks! But the chattr problem remains.
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Post by greenbear »

do a '.binds all' and see if its bind to another flag, or there could be a filt bind overriding it.
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Post by slennox »

netbots.tcl does in fact rebind the chattr DCC command to intercept it and allow only owners (or permanent owners if nb_owner is enabled) to add/remove the N flag. However, if nb_flag is set to "b" or "all", the bind that does this is not activated.

sandberg, check that you have removed the section at the bottom of netset.tcl that says "# The following lines remove redundant functions". If you've done that, try shutting down the bot completely, then restart it and see if the problem persists.
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Post by sandberg »

I removed the lines just like slennox said. Works fine now. Thanks for all the help! 8)

Best regards