When my bot connects to the GameSurge IRC network, it will immeaditley:
- authenticate to authserv (just a /msg cmd)
- and /msg me saying "im online"
basically, I want to translate my mirc perform.ini over to eggdrop (because I also want the bot to have a "perform" if it connects to QuakeNet instead of GameSurge)
sounds like you need a fully functional script like stormbot or something along those lines. Check out the tcl archives, there are many scripts already written to make new topics and such
# start the timer if its not already running
if {![string match "*your_proc*" [timers]]} {
timer 10 your_proc
proc your_proc {} {
# your code goes here
# run it again in 10 min
if {![string match "*your_proc*" [timers]]} {
timer 10 your_proc