Well I am a beginner and I don't know a thing about making eggdrops scan files ... so I ask u to translate in to code my ideea:
-on join the nickname is written at the end of a file;
-on parts/quits/kick the file is scan and if the nickname is found it will be delleted;
-on nickname change the file is scanned and if the old nickname is found it will be replaced with the new one
-on command ".next" the first nickname from the file is voiced in a channel and delleted from the file
what about nicks that are already on the channel when the bot joins? and is there really a need to store these nicks in a file? the only sensible way to do it would be to store all the nicks in an array anyway, so is there any real need to dump this to disk (ie, do you really need the list to stay intact if you restart the bot?)
Petersen asked 3 questions, none of which you answered. I add the questions: do you want the ".next" really to work in chronological order? Or can it be used to voice any ".next" unvoiced nick?
The answers to these questions are really needed. Especially given the fact that your idea of messing around with a file seems -at first sight- indeed a "beginners question". Eggdrop by itself provides many commands which can make the functionality you require.
<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: egghead on 2002-01-29 12:26 ]</font>
I just want to voice users in the order they join a channel. It dosent mater what command I use, or how to do it... and the nicks that are already in the channel to be left out of the count. Thx!
Angie, after some trials, another question: what about users that get voiced/devoiced by another operator on your channel.
For example: a nick gets voiced by your ".next", and 1 second later that same nick gets devoiced by another operator. Should that nick get in the list of nicks to be voiced again? If you can settle for that situation...
<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: egghead on 2002-01-29 15:07 ]</font>