basically, what i want to do is have a bot that can store data where if someone types, -count 72 4536, it stores that in a database, and if someone types -event 72, it reads back whatever is in the database?, i'm not very good at scripting, and i just started to learn tcl, and if the current count stored under 72 is higher then something someone types, it doesnt do anything, like if 72 is @ 4536, someone cant move it down to 72 @ 4535, here is an mirc example script if it will help anyone
Code: Select all
on *:text:-*:#:{
if ($1 == -count) && ($2 isnum) && ($3 isnum $+(1-,$calc($hget(count,$2) + 20))) { hadd -m count $2- }
elseif ($1 == -walk) && ($2 isnum) && ($3 isnum $+(1-,$calc($hget(count,$2) + 20))) { hadd -m walk $2- }
elseif ($1 == -event) && ($hget(count,$2)) && ($hget(walk,$2)) { msg $nick Current Count on $2 is $hget(count,$2) | msg $nick Last Walk on $2 is $hget(walk,$2) | msg $nick SLW: $+(,$calc($hget(count,$2) - ($hget(walk,$2)))))) }
any help would be great....i would read up and try to figure it out by myself, but there arnt enough hours in the day for me right now.