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Old posts that have not been replied to for several years.
Posts: 30
Joined: Mon Mar 03, 2003 5:33 pm
Location: Dark side of the Moon =)
Contact: aware from FAST.SH!

Post by }eXtreme{ »

There is one shell provider.. FAST.SH.. which work every second month.. actually usually it work 2 weeks, then one month (and half) don't.. and again 2 week.. and one month down.. and again 2 week... and 2 week down... But the worst thing is ignore from shell admin/owner... all customers are almost whole time ignored from server owner/administrator Mr. Antti H. He don't read our mails (exept billing of course), he don't replay on "support" channel.. nothing. We usually don't know what's wrong with server again.. and when it will be fixed. So we could just wait.. one week.. 2 weeks...3 weeks... and still nothing....

You could on "support" channel read converstaions as that (nick's are censored):
[10:32] <XXXXX> [10:09] *** Topic is '> > Now works ok'
[10:33] <XXXXX> really?
[10:34] <XXXXX> so only i still cannot upload my site back???
[10:35] <unknown> no
[10:35] <unknown> I cant access
[10:36] <unknown> to my shell
[10:36] <unknown> through
[10:36] <unknown> fht
[10:36] <unknown> sorry
[10:36] <unknown> ftp
[10:36] <unknown> uff
[10:36] <XXXXX> damn.. that make me sick
[10:36] <unknown> me too
[10:36] <XXXXX> and he still ignore?
[10:36] <unknown> yes
[10:36] <unknown> ...
[10:37] <XXXXX> damn!
[10:37] <unknown> I've no words...
[10:37] <XXXXX> as usually.. he will replay after trouble gones...
[10:37] <unknown> :)
[10:38] <unknown> so
[10:39] <unknown> why dont we go in finland
[10:39] <unknown> and kill him?
[10:39] <unknown> :P
[10:39] <XXXXX> hmmm....
[10:39] <XXXXX> that's not realistic..
[10:39] <XXXXX> but there is one forum
[10:39] <unknown> eheheh
[10:39] <XXXXX>
[10:39] <XXXXX> many ppl read it
[10:39] <XXXXX> and compalins too...
[10:40] <XXXXX> maybe i will wrote complain...
[10:40] <XXXXX> i understand that he have problems with server, connection etc....
[10:41] <XXXXX> but i hate that "ignore position" from him
[10:41] <XXXXX> he's unresponsible
[10:41] <unknown> yes you're right
[10:43] <XXXXX> few days ago i tryed to update my site... transfer fail but it erased old site too
[10:43] <XXXXX> he could spend less than minute for manual upload
[10:43] <XXXXX> but no...
[10:44] <XXXXX> Mr Antti <censored> is to busy...
[10:44] <XXXXX> ..and he don't have time for his customers
[16:22] <YYYYY> plz get my account active :p
[16:31] <cccccc> Pharazon ?
[16:32] <YYYYY> !!!!!!!
[16:42] <cccccc> <YYYYY> nothing,a?
[16:42] <YYYYY> hu?
[16:44] <cccccc> did he answer you?
[16:44] <YYYYY> no he didnt :(
[16:45] <cccccc> is server under ddos or other problems?
[16:45] <YYYYY> i guess it is
[16:46] <YYYYY> still waiting for my account i ordered :'
[16:53] <YYYYY> website is down :|
[16:56] <jjjjjj> <cccccc>: server is still under DoS ;)
[16:56] <jjjjjj> @ <YYYYY> too ;)
[16:57] <ddddddd> of course..
[16:57] <ddddddd> always under dos.. :/
[16:58] <YYYYY> any plans to solve this?
[16:59] <jjjjjj> noone can solve this .. only the boys wich have nothin to do ;)
[17:00] <YYYYY> hmm
[17:03] <YYYYY> do u have a fast shell jchome ?
[17:03] <jjjjjjj> no
[17:03] <YYYYYY> anyone using a shell here?
[17:03] <jjjjjj> only a bnc .. but i'm a sysadmin and know the DoS Problem ;)
[17:04] <YYYYY> ah
[17:04] <YYYYY> how long did it take to get ur bnc active?
[17:05] <jjjjjj> my bnc is active .. only the shell server is under DoS
[17:06] <YYYYY> i ordered last week.. and still nothinh
[17:07] <jjjjjj> ask Pharazon if he's there ..
[17:07] <ddddddd> u must mail it
[17:07] <ddddddd> <YYYYY>
[17:07] <ddddddd> and wait.. :)
[17:07] <YYYYY> kk
[17:08] <ddddddd> also I had this problem
[17:08] <ddddddd> 2 weeks and my account was actived
[17:13] <cccccc> jchome THAT COULD BE SOLVED
[17:13] <cccccc> with any serious attempt...
[17:13] <cccccc> every ISP could ask partner ISP to block traffic from ddos side
[17:13] <cccccc> it's usless for 5 minute ddos
[17:13] <cccccc> or even 1-2 hour ddos
[17:13] <cccccc> but so many days...
[17:14] <cccccc> that should be done already
[17:14] <cccccc> you don't agree?
[17:16] <jjjjjj> the isp can cut the line .. but this server have a static IP .. so ;) no chance ;)
[17:17] <cccccc> but.. it's probably same dnet
[17:17] <cccccc> it's almost unreasonable that probably one dnet ddos that server more than half week
[17:18] <jjjjjj> ask Pharazon .. hes the admin :P
[17:18] <cccccc> each abuser could lost dnet if he ddos that ong...
[17:18] <cccccc> yes "ask pharazon"
[17:18] <cccccc> good joke...
[17:18] <cccccc> he will be prepare to answer us when troubles will be end =)
[17:18] <jjjjjj> where he is?
[17:19] <cccccc> looooool
[17:19] <cccccc> as usually in last 6 monts
[17:19] <jjjjjj> okay .. okay .. Pharazon suck :> *laugh*
[17:22] <YYYYY> thats quite boring..
[17:22] <YYYYY> I need this shell
[17:23] <jjjjjj> register a free shell :P
[17:23] <cccccc> <jjjjjj> if somebodi paid... it isnt so funny =)
[17:25] <YYYYY> at least they coul give more informations
[17:25] <jjjjjj> i know <cccccc> ;)
[17:25] <cccccc> [17:25] <YYYYY> at least they coul give more informations
[17:25] <jjjjjj> its not my server *g*
[17:25] <cccccc> yes.. that is the things which made me always angry...
[17:26] <cccccc> ignore... always when something is wrong
[23:48] <DDDDDD> does anybody could upload files on server?
[23:48] <DDDDDD> already?
[23:48] <UNKNOWN> no
[23:48] <UNKNOWN> same problem
[23:49] <DDDDDD> hmm... any new response from pharazon?
[23:49] <UNKNOWN> he sayd he found cpu very loaded
[23:50] <DDDDDD> and that he will solve that?
[23:50] <UNKNOWN> killing some procs it worked for few minutes
[23:50] <DDDDDD> in the end of the year?
[23:50] <DDDDDD> =)
[23:50] <UNKNOWN> ahuah :)
[23:50] <DDDDDD> i mean.. did he talking about any solution?
[23:51] <UNKNOWN> actually not found any
[23:52] <DDDDDD> so.. same old story? one month and half of ignores and excuses... and nothing done...
[23:52] <DDDDDD> again :(
[23:53] <UNKNOWN> :|
[22:26] <IIIIIII> naw this bnc\shell provider works only on pairless weeks
[22:30] <WWWW> yes...
[22:30] <WWWW> same old story
[22:34] <AAAAA> ya, mines been [censored] for coupla days now
[22:34] <GGGGG> my eggdrops on don't receive user list from hub bot
[22:34] <IIIIIII> AAAAAA i wanted to rennove the contract
[11:37] <LLLLLL> Hi, any admin alive, please
[11:37] <LLLLLL> ?
[11:39] <OOOOO> you won't get replay
[11:40] <OOOOO> never!
[11:40] <OOOOO> =)
[11:41] <OOOOO> <LLLLLL> just seat and wait... maybe will problem dessapear in few monts by itself
[11:41] <OOOOO> sooner or later your contract will gone...
[11:42] <LLLLLL> really serious admin....
[11:42] <OOOOO> no no.. it's as usually
[11:43] <LLLLLL> maybe i'll got an answeer
[11:43] <LLLLLL> here
[11:43] <LLLLLL> or at mails I sent him
[11:43] <FFFFFFF> nope.. you wont
[11:44] ......................................................

NEED MORE LOGS FROM CHANNEL? YES... IT LOOKS THAT LAST WEEK IS SERVER REALLY UNDER DDOS ATTACK (and ftp and sftp are blocked) BUT LAST TIME WE WAIT MONTH AND HALF TO GET FIXED/update kernel or something like that... is there any other shell provider which need month and half to fix/update server when customers without any informations wait when server will be back?
Posts: 30
Joined: Mon Mar 03, 2003 5:33 pm
Location: Dark side of the Moon =)

Post by }eXtreme{ »

..and i almost forget.. there are only 6/12 months... long term paiments...

Post by VinS »

[11:39:43] * Now talking in
[11:39:43] * Topic is '> > Now works ok'
[11:39:43] * Set by Pharazon-! on Thu Feb 12 08:05:09

So, FTP doesn't work....
SFTP doesn't work....
Userfile sharing of my eggdrops doesn't work....

Except these "SMALL" problems, the rest works....
It's a shame....

Post by VinS »

The admin still try to joking us....

[22:01:28] * Pharazon- changes topic to '> > Servers work OK'
[22:06:35] <[b0Rg]> Pharazon-: file transfer is still unavailable
[22:09:49] <VinS> Pharazon- ??
[22:09:50] <VinS> OK?!?!
[22:09:57] <VinS> ftp doesn't work
[22:09:59] <VinS> sftp doesn't work
[22:10:07] <VinS> eggdrop sharing doesn't work
[22:10:19] <VinS> and you say it's OK?|
[22:10:49] * Up`ZzZ is now known as UpDoWn
[22:11:49] <VinS> servers didn't work
[22:12:03] <VinS> I paied for a working server
[22:12:12] <VinS> a TOTALLY working server
[22:12:32] <VinS> open those damn transfer port

Post by VinS »

[22:18:39] <@Pharazon-> sftp should work
[22:18:42] <@Pharazon-> if your ssh works
[22:18:50] <@Pharazon-> it's the same program
[22:18:56] <@Pharazon-> ftp won't work
[22:19:05] <@Pharazon-> since it has plain text passwords
[22:20:36] <AstroMan> soryr
[22:20:39] <AstroMan> sorry
[22:20:41] <AstroMan> SFTH
[22:20:45] <AstroMan> didnt works
[22:20:54] <VinS> SFP didn't work..
[22:21:48] <@Pharazon-> do you use filezilla?
[22:21:54] <VinS> no
[22:21:57] <AstroMan> the problem
[22:21:58] <VinS> i use sftp
[22:21:59] <VinS> debian
[22:22:02] <VinS> 3.0r2
[22:22:03] <AstroMan> isnt the program
[22:22:15] <AstroMan> becouse I use a lot of time
[22:22:18] <AstroMan> ws-ftp 8
[22:22:19] <@Pharazon-> at least my f-secure ssh file transfer works ok
[22:22:49] <VinS> all the users in this channel got problem with transfer on your server...
[22:22:51] <@Pharazon-> I don't think ws-ftp has secure ftp (sftp) features?
[22:23:03] <b0ng-> so dos attacks blocked now?
[22:23:03] <@Pharazon-> please download Filezilla from
[22:23:08] <VinS> MAYBE the problem it's the server..
[22:23:36] <VinS> Pharazon-, it's not the client!
[22:23:57] <AstroMan> no
[22:23:59] <AstroMan> NO
[22:24:01] <AstroMan> ws-ftp 8
[22:24:03] <AstroMan> HAS
[22:24:05] <AstroMan> SFTP!
[22:24:07] <AstroMan> read the error
[22:24:09] <AstroMan> in query
[22:24:11] <AstroMan> please
[22:24:22] <[b0Rg]> Pharazon-: it is a general file transfer failure.. eggs unable to download user.conf from their hubs.. wget fails e so long
[22:24:54] <VinS> <vitella> [23:24] Failed connection; aborted userfile transfer.
[22:25:41] <[b0Rg]> this is not a matter about what kind of ftp client customers use

Post by VinS »

[22:26:42] <@Pharazon-> humn, could it be a firewall problem...
[22:26:44] <@Pharazon-> I'll check
[22:26:46] <[b0Rg]> yes
[22:26:48] <[b0Rg]> :)
[22:27:54] <VinS> yeah
[22:27:57] <VinS> it's a firewall problem
[22:28:04] <@Pharazon-> humn, but how I can upload ok everything
[22:28:17] <@Pharazon-> with my F-Secure SFTP :)
[22:28:19] <VinS> you can't drop any incoming connection
[22:28:31] <@Pharazon-> tell me your IP addresses
[22:29:20] <[b0Rg]> Pharazon-: I can give you more than 6 different ips, I have hubs on other providers too
[22:29:25] <@Pharazon-> at least user fastcz address isn't blocked
[22:29:34] <@Pharazon-> ok
[22:29:53] <@Pharazon-> humn, could our ISP have done something without telling us...
[22:30:18] <VinS> sftp
[22:30:18] <VinS> Connecting to
[22:30:33] <[b0Rg]> this may explain this failure
[22:30:35] <VinS> and still connecting
[22:30:36] <VinS> and still connecting
[22:31:16] <[b0Rg]> I've always dowloaded my sources from egghelp to fast using wget
[22:31:21] <[b0Rg]> not it fails
[22:31:25] <[b0Rg]> now it fails
[22:31:47] <[b0Rg]> always good share with many hubs.. now it fails with everyone
[22:33:09] <@Pharazon-> humn, there's something strange with wget
[22:33:15] <@Pharazon-> to nonfinnish addresses
[22:33:37] <@Pharazon-> I'll call to our ISP tomorrow morning and ask what they have set there
[22:34:07] <VinS> Pharazon-, maybe you got too restrictive firewall rules
[22:34:24] <@Pharazon-> humn now it works
[22:34:30] <@Pharazon-> but slowly
[22:34:43] <@Pharazon-> strange
[22:35:06] <[b0Rg]> yes but we have to think at this problem widely.. I'm unable to download user.conf from my local hub and from hubs I have at other shell providers in europe
[22:35:27] <VinS> [b0Rg], it's exactly my same problem
[22:36:05] <[b0Rg]> :)
[22:36:33] <tsr_> for me I can't upload anything on the shell :|
[22:36:40] <VinS> even the ssh login...
[22:36:45] <VinS> it's really slow
[22:37:03] <VinS> and it freeze after Last login: Thu Feb 12 23:34:17 2004 from host55.....
[22:37:23] <@Pharazon-> can you traceroute and paste me the results?
[22:37:29] <[b0Rg]> yes
[22:37:34] <[b0Rg]> few seconds
[22:38:25] <[b0Rg]> but consider the fact of the hubs on other providers
[22:38:34] <[b0Rg]> now I'm going to paste traceroute
[22:38:38] <[b0Rg]> from me to you
[22:41:48] <[b0Rg]> here we have problems tranferring files from ANYWHERE to
[22:42:36] <VinS> I think Pharazon- are dropping ALL incoming transfer to non-opened ports
[22:43:00] <VinS> so when we try to open the socket to transfer data, the connection fails
[22:43:10] <[b0Rg]> anyway.. you have my traceroute in query
[22:43:44] <[b0Rg]> but I think you have to look at your side.. something is blocking file transfers
[22:44:25] <VinS> in my query?
[22:44:31] <tsr_> you're right [b0Rg] ;)
[22:44:51] <[b0Rg]> VinS: mi ha chiesto il traceroute da me e lui e glie l'ho dato
[22:44:59] <[b0Rg]> VinS: mi ha chiesto il traceroute da me A lui e glie l'ho dato
[22:45:01] <VinS> si, ma è un coglione
[22:45:04] <VinS> dioporco
[22:45:17] <VinS> siamo in 40 che ci lamentiamo che non trasferiamo un cazzo
[22:45:19] <[b0Rg]> tsr_: :)
[22:45:31] <VinS> e lui dice che è colpa dei nostri client
[22:45:35] <VinS> di TUTTI i nostri client
[22:45:36] <VinS> :D
[22:45:47] <[b0Rg]> è chiaro che nn è così
[22:45:55] <[b0Rg]> :)

Post by VinS »

[22:47:49] <VinS> e direi...
[22:48:19] * Quits: tedbundy (~tb@ (changing servers)
[22:48:31] * Joins: tedbundy (
[22:48:41] <AstroMan> e quindi?
[22:49:31] <[b0Rg]> e quindi deve sgamare sulla sua macchina cosa sta bloccando il trasferimento file
[22:49:44] <[b0Rg]> il problema è suo
[22:50:05] <VinS> che poi, mi incollasse le regole del firewall
[22:50:08] <tsr_> brb soon hope the problem will be solved =)
[22:50:23] <VinS> che gli dico dove sta il problema.
[22:50:34] * Quits: b0ng- ( (....tap that ass, bitch. ..........)
[22:50:36] <VinS> tsr_, the problem MUST be solved
[22:50:50] * Quits: trixxx (~Dani@3ffe:8171:20:3:0:0:babe:d011) (Kill line active: x)
[22:50:52] <VinS> we paied a shell
[22:59:36] <AstroMan> mi sa che parli a vuoto
[23:00:13] <VinS> infatti si
[23:00:15] <VinS> parlo a vuoto
[23:00:31] <VinS> sto cmq scrivendo tutto nel forum di
[23:01:12] * UpDoWn is now known as Up`ZzZ
[23:05:50] * Joins: \Nz (~I_mSpEcIa@2001:6b8:0:600:0:0:0:992)
Posts: 30
Joined: Mon Mar 03, 2003 5:33 pm
Location: Dark side of the Moon =)

Post by }eXtreme{ »

[02:00] *** Topic is '> > Servers work OK'
[02:00] *** Set by Pharazon-! on Thu Feb 12 22:04:35

OK??? O yeah, sure... exempt that my bot still don't share userfile and that i still cannot load files on shell...
btw. Pharazon, I cannot download recomended FileZilla from your site too... so I trying to use new version from their original site. FileZilla 2.2.3
Unsuccesful. Still cannot upload/download files.

[22:29:53] <@Pharazon-> humn, could our ISP have done something without telling us...

WE ARE FROM DIFFERENT COUNTRIES... so our ISP probably work OK. Don't you think that?

Post by VinS »

The day after....

[07:44:43] <@Pharazon-> hi, can somebody check if ssh/sftp works now better?
[08:34:50] <@Toppenz> ok
[08:35:01] <@Toppenz> almost / very ?
[08:35:15] <@Toppenz> almost works perfectly
[08:35:25] <@Toppenz> works perfectly
[08:35:29] <@Toppenz> :-P
[08:35:39] <@Toppenz> very too
[09:23:19] <assassin`> everyone.. now file transfer from time to time work
[09:23:26] <assassin`> i succed to upload 2 files
[09:23:41] <AstroMan> I see
[09:23:58] <AstroMan> I'm downloading now!
[09:24:12] <assassin`> maybe complains made thing quicker...
[09:24:14] <assassin`> hehe
[09:24:28] <AstroMan> wait...
[09:24:48] <assassin`> from time to time stil disconnect
[09:24:52] <AstroMan> I dont have upload
[09:25:02] <assassin`> i hope that your files arent big
[09:25:09] <AstroMan> 1,5 mb
[09:25:13] * VinS is now known as SeXMash|n
[09:25:16] <AstroMan> is so bis?
[09:25:20] <AstroMan> big?
[09:25:20] <AstroMan> ehh
[09:25:22] <assassin`> because it still disconnect
[09:25:32] <AstroMan> no
[09:25:33] <assassin`> i uploaded few kb
[09:25:36] <AstroMan> now it's ok
[09:25:38] <assassin`> only site...
[09:26:01] <AstroMan> uploading complete succesufuly
[09:26:15] <assassin`> yeaaa
[09:26:30] <AstroMan> :)
[09:26:32] <assassin`> so "our" ISP change it's settings
[09:26:35] <assassin`> haha
[09:26:38] <AstroMan> eheehehheheh
[09:27:04] <assassin`> or we finnaly use sftp download
[09:27:09] <assassin`> ...
[09:28:13] * Parts: AstroMan ( (AstroMan)
[09:29:35] <assassin`> heh
[09:29:40] <assassin`> he will be back soon...
[09:30:43] * torvalds is now known as ToRvaLDs
[09:37:08] <ToRvaLDs> ok?
[09:37:11] <ToRvaLDs> mmm
[09:37:30] <ToRvaLDs> [09:30:56] [|FrAnCy]: [10:12] Creating resync buffer for forget
[09:37:31] <ToRvaLDs> [09:30:56] [|FrAnCy]: [10:12] Sending user file send request to forget
[09:37:33] <ToRvaLDs> [09:30:56] [|FrAnCy]: [10:12] Lost bot: forget (lost 1 bot and 0 users).
[09:37:35] <ToRvaLDs> [09:30:56] [|FrAnCy]: *** Lost bot: forget (lost 1 bot and 0 users)
[09:37:37] <ToRvaLDs> [09:30:56] [|FrAnCy]: [10:12] (Userlist transmit aborted.)
[09:37:52] <ToRvaLDs> I think it's not OK :\
[09:38:08] <Vins2worK> [09:35] Creating resync buffer for ViTeLLa
[09:38:08] <Vins2worK> [09:35] Sending user file send request to ViTeLLa
[09:38:08] <Vins2worK> [09:35] Lost userfile transfer; aborting.
[09:38:08] <Vins2worK> *** Disconnected ViTeLLa (aborted userfile transfer)
[09:38:14] <Vins2worK> same problem...
[09:38:20] <Vins2worK> STILL same problem....
[09:38:48] <ToRvaLDs> mmm only on one bot
[09:39:08] <ToRvaLDs> the others works
[09:41:34] <Vins2worK> ToRvaLDs, you're lucky....
[09:41:46] <Vins2worK> all of my bots doesn't work
[09:41:48] <Vins2worK> :/
[09:42:00] <ToRvaLDs> :\
[09:44:47] <assassin`> as i said...
[09:45:03] <assassin`> * AstroMan has left (AstroMan)
[09:45:06] <assassin`> <assassin`> heh
[09:45:06] <assassin`> <assassin`> he will be back soon...

We'll still waiting for the resolution to our problems....

OK, fixed.

Post by VinS »

Now seems to work well.
I hope this is the last time I've to post a such orrible situation.
Posts: 30
Joined: Mon Mar 03, 2003 5:33 pm
Location: Dark side of the Moon =)

Post by }eXtreme{ »

You are banned from connecting to this server ("You are not welcome to this server: unidented is unwanted")

So.. we're down again. Identserv on "FAST.SH*it" is broken =)

Post by VinS »

I think identd daemon crashed.
Now shells seem to work well.
Posts: 30
Joined: Mon Mar 03, 2003 5:33 pm
Location: Dark side of the Moon =)

Post by }eXtreme{ »

I saw how support oper with nickname "quote" kicked one guy (their customer) because he said that service isn't good. He (quote) also said that server have problem only last month and that this guy is a liar. He also said that server is ok, but lame users are problem because they don't know more than ./psybnc etc... I think tkat ass-licking "quote" is big liar and that he don't have right to say this about customers. Especially on server which is down because of malfunction. Dear "quote" I can't do even ./psybnc often, since server is down.

One day later ( conversatins between customers)...

* Now talking in
<Mayica> is server still down?
<Mac-Cloud> pare di si
<Mac-Cloud> seems yes
<Mayica> Mac-Cloud you wont believe what I saw yesterday
<Mac-Cloud> umm what did you saw ?
<Mayica> I saw one oper from that channel (quote) how he claim that someone which say " is bad service" is liar, that service is goog and he kick it from some channel
<Mayica> hesaid that all about are lies
<Mac-Cloud> ah ah ah ah
<Mayica> that have troubles only last month
<Mac-Cloud> probably a friend of phara
<Mayica> yes...
<Mayica> but i think that it's stupid to kick people if they say truth
<Mayica> and say that they are liars...
<Mayica> he also said that all is our fault- that server work ok but we dont know how to use it
<Mac-Cloud> umm sure... if you are not a friend of the owner of the service :)
<Mayica> Mac-Cloud I heard that pharazon is offline almost 10 days
<Mayica> is that true?
<Mayica> who will restart/fix our service then? ;-)
<Mac-Cloud> you mean as presence in the channel ?
<Mayica> yes
<Mayica> and as contact with customers
<Mac-Cloud> well as user contacts, has never worked
<Mayica> o yes, he is
<Mayica> weeks after he temporally fixed problem
<Mayica> he always wrote somewhere something like: server is back...
<Mayica> in the meantime he has been hiden mainly
<Mac-Cloud> I told him ti create a newsletter with all users email ... quick, easy, and usefull... no reply :)
<Mayica> public newsletter as forum?
<Mayica> in his skin I wouldnt do that too
<Mac-Cloud> a forum exists but by the mom only italian section
<Mayica> you could imagine how it would look
<Mayica> many complains on it?
<Mac-Cloud> opend few days ago
<Mayica> aha
<Mac-Cloud> I can open an international area :)
Yeah.. I know... my english suxxx... and so what ??? =)
Posts: 30
Joined: Mon Mar 03, 2003 5:33 pm
Location: Dark side of the Moon =)

Post by }eXtreme{ »

btw. I heard that one italian guy (their angry customer probably) suggested them to make shell user forum. Usless. So few days ago he made it own debate forum. It's still fresh but it might be interesting for other their customers.

Here is link:
Yeah.. I know... my english suxxx... and so what ??? =)