Code: Select all
bind chon - * chon
bind chof - * chof
proc chon { h i } { puthelp "PRIVMSG #botchannel :$h logged in" }
proc chof { h i } { puthelp "PRIVMSG #botchannel :$h logged out" }
since eggdrop has no default "login" function built-in, what script are you currently using to provide this command? Last we spoke, you were running a version of the massive stormbot.tcl, which already has this feature... or at least used to... altering the actual procedure that is providing the "login" feature would be best (try .binds *login* or .binds msg to find the procedure ), but you could always just create a seperate procedure and add it to this or another tcl...maybe something along these lines...lindy wrote:i dunno if i need a tcl or it is just a setting, when im in a botroom id like to see whe other users from other rooms where the bots are, login to the bots, how do i get this to show in bot channel????
Code: Select all
set homechan "#bots_kick_ass"
if {![info exists homechan]} {set homechan "[lindex [channels] 0]"}
bind msgm - "*login*" call_home
proc call_home { nick host hand text } {
global botnick homechan
if {[passwdok $hand [lindex $text 0]]} {
putmsg $homechan "\002$nick\002 ($hand) ($host) logged in successfully..."
if {![validuser $hand]} {
putmsg $homechan "\002ATTENTION!\002 $nick ($host) failed authentication!"