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Restrict forum to discussion of shell account usage?

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Restrict forum to discussion of shell account usage?

Post by slennox »

What would the regulars here think about restricting the shells forum to help and discussion on shell account usage? I'm not sure that endorsements or criticism of specific providers helps anyone given there is always a number of providers prepared to engage in amateur astroturfing (i.e. posing as ordinary users to endorse themselves or criticise competitors). And increasingly, this forum seems to be becoming a place for providers and their customers to air their dirty laundry :(

Perhaps a seperate closed forum, available only to users who've made a certain amount of posts and/or been registered for a certain length of time, would improve the quality of discussion and reduce the number of sock puppets.
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Post by Alchera »

Sounds like a perfect solution to me. :)
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Post by Moonster »

Slennox they can use my forums for provider ads and so forth if they like :)
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Post by caesar »

That shure will be nice. Lately some people have specialy created an account here just do advert their own shell. An seperate closed forum should keep them (or at least reduce their number) wash their dirty laundry with comments and bad remarks at competitors or at the shells firms that closed their account for breaking their TOS.
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Post by egghead »

Some sort of restriction may be possible.

But the number of posts and topics in the shells section is rather low compared to the tcl scripts section and the eggdrop section.

And so far many of the shell providers posting here only have served themselves in a bad way...

... and gave me a good laugh now and then :)
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Post by slennox »

It's settled then. Looks like it requires a phpbb mod, so I'll create the separate forum on the weekend. It'll be available to halfops (40 posts) and above.

egghead, I agree that the existing shells forum will become pretty quiet, but in the end I think quality is more important than quantity :)
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Post by Moonster »

It doesnt require a Mod .....

You can do permissions settings on a private forum for specific user classifications
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Post by }eXtreme{ »

But from other side...
slennox wrote:And increasingly, this forum seems to be becoming a place for providers and their customers to air their dirty laundry

Writing about bad or good experiences about something for what we pay isn't just stupid dirty laundry. They are still experiences which we share with other and it might be helful to someone in future. And constructive criticsm could force kids to make better service. It's not all in picking our money only...
slennox wrote:It's settled then ... It'll be available to halfops (40 posts) and above.
So number of released posts will give us right to "talk" in public about BSP.. and all other with less than 40 posts will be "second class citizens".

Do you realize that you all talking here about restriction which is against "freedom of speech" spirit - since this is public forum, or atleast I understand it that way. Is this really best solution? Constructive moderating forum with deleting/editing posts which contain insults, advertize etc.. is more "user friendly" solution I think. It's not hard to fill that "40 posts" quote for someone but on the other side some people write only when they have something to say or have time and this maybe isn't their primary life occupation.

Sure that there around are advertizers or non-happy customers but I also heard somewhere something like "it is better for 10 guilty men to go free than for one innocent man to be convicted" (or restricted?)

I know that this probably wont change nothing - it's already decided - but I posted this since that moment I still have chance...

... and of course you all went through that restriction quote long time ago ;-)

Yeah.. I know... my english suxxx... and so what ??? =)
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Post by caesar »

Against "freedom of speech" huh? Be serious.
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Post by egghead »

}eXtreme{ wrote:But from other side...


Hi eXtreme. You are right in a certain way. But the point is that often when a shell user complains, suddenly a dozen of "shell customers" join the board to post how good the shell is etc. etc.

Over the years I have seen quite a few shell forums coming and going. The best ones are those that are carefully moderated with the garbadge being dumped in the trashcan :)
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Post by }eXtreme{ »

caesar: I pharaphrased (and I know that it sound funny on certain way but you probably get my point)
egghead: You are right in a certain way
All: I need to fill that damn quote so I wrote "nonsense" ;-) or maybe not?
Yeah.. I know... my english suxxx... and so what ??? =)
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Post by slennox »

I'm sure many of us have seen the scenario played out on other forums: admin thinks things are becoming a bit too rowdy and imposes new restrictions, some users applaud while others cry "freedom of speech". I don't want to thrash out all the issues, otherwise I won't get time to update the Tcl Archive :-? But the crux of it is that, while you can get away with quite a bit and a "spirit" of freedom of speech does exist on most forums, underlying this is the fact that participation in pretty much every forum is not a right, but a privilege. As an ordinary user participating in several other forums, this is a fact I occasionally have had to wrestle with over the years, and I'm sure others have. There's Moonster's forum if you don't think this one gets the balance right; if only he'd give us the URL :)
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Post by }eXtreme{ »

I believe that every constructive oposition is always good thing to make things even better. And don't understand me wrong. I like those sites and that discussion forum which is really good work and it helps to many many people. But what would life be if everyone agree about everything. People don't have same opinion and some criticism could be good for improvements if you could take it.
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Post by rabb1d »

there is also a forum called shellhostingtalk

If people are to post bad things about providers anywhere for what ever reason I think there should be two posts and thats it. The complaint, and the defense and that should be enough to lock the thread. One statement from each side. If it is continued over into another or a new thread, then both people should be banned for 30 days on first occurance 90 days second 120 third and perm after that. Just my opinion though. Where there is silly haggling that method would prevent a lot of unwanted b.s.

just my $0.02 worth
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Post by }eXtreme{ »

rabb1d read this, not so rare potential situation, please:

1 post. USER: Be careful that XXX shell provider is more down than up and they don't replay on my posts, they ignore me, they don't want to refound me money no matter that they wrote on their site that they will if customer won't be satisfyed...
2 post. SHELL PROVIDER: Don't trust him, he is liar and very very bad user... we run great server, and best support...
3 post. USER: Hundreds complains from all other users can't be lie... Here I have proof...

FORUM MODERATOR: "user" is banned from here because he don't have right to show proof and replay on accusation that he's a liar... and shell provider have right to have last word...

So, rabb1d is this really good idea? Need other example? What if things look something like:

1 post. rabb1d: I am really satisfyed with XXX server... because they are so great...
2 post USER: You're paid by shell provider to wrote how good service he have. Or even more - you are shell provider who use more nicks here... They suxxx.
1 post. rabb1d: That's not true. I am not shell provider and nobody didn`t bought me. You could found me on #xxx...@efnet where everyone know me and you will see that I dont lie. Simple join, know me better and you will see that I don't have the reason for lie...

FORUM MODERATOR: "rabb1d" is banned from here because he don't have right to show proof and replay on accusation that he's a liar...

Btw. rabb1d don't understand me wrong, I dont have nothing against you ;-) I just wanna show you why "ban on second post" maybe isn't that good idea as you thought.
Yeah.. I know... my english suxxx... and so what ??? =)