I was thinking that i do want to prevent an op from kicking another op
If such things happn bot should Deop the nick and set +d on the nick
i have tried .chattr #channel revenge-mode 1
is this the correct way? is there any other modes to be set?
also how long does the bot keeps the +d on a nick?
Mash wrote:Hi
I was thinking that i do want to prevent an op from kicking another op
If such things happn bot should Deop the nick and set +d on the nick
i have tried .chattr #channel revenge-mode 1
is this the correct way? is there any other modes to be set?
also how long does the bot keeps the +d on a nick?
you might wish to turn the channel options +protectops and +revenge as well, although normally +f users are exempted. I also would like to mention slennox's superbitch.tcl, which provides all sorts of options not found elsewhere. PS If you have revenge-mode 1, the bot adds the +d (can't get ops) flag to the user...and it is not removed ever, unless another user/script makes it happen. hope this is helpful