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Post by demond »


well there's no question about that - bypassing eggdrop's queue system gives your bot some advantage over stock eggdrops in case of channel wars, and being IRCnet user, you probably have had to learn that the hard way ;) I myself am pretty familiar with the subject, used to patch my bots with an optimized MODE parser and introduced a special TCL bind "mass" which was triggered on mass op/deop, not using eggdrop's queues... and other similar goodies; but those times are long gone, channel wars are no more, even on EFnet (IRCnet may be a different matter, with its total ignorance of channel "ownership" and persistent ops notions)
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Post by KrzychuG »

Yes, this is mainly IRCnet problem. There are still those damn ircwars and channel protection is really important here. Without own parser you don't have too much change again clones, which are not rare here. Do you still have that patch, i'm interested how you did that and how diffrent is it from my version ;)
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Post by demond »


well, below is the relevant part of my patch for eggdrop 1.4 (as you'll probably notice, this is pretty ancient hehe... but nevertheless effective):

Code: Select all

diff -urN src/mod/irc.mod/mode.c src+d1/mod/irc.mod/mode.c
--- src/mod/irc.mod/mode.c      Tue Dec 14 21:32:59 1999
+++ src+d1/mod/irc.mod/mode.c   Mon Feb  7 03:02:44 2000
@@ -941,13 +941,47 @@

+static struct oppee { char op; char nick[63]; } opp[16];
+static int my_parse(char *chg, char *args, struct oppee *opp, int size)
+  char *p = chg, *q, *r, buf[512];
+  int i, plus = 0, minus = 0, pos = 0, cur = 0;
+  r = buf;
+  while (*p) switch (*p++) {
+    case '+': plus = 1; minus = 0;
+      break;
+    case '-': minus = 1; plus = 0;
+      break;
+    case 'o':
+      if (plus && (cur < size))
+        opp[cur].op = '+';
+      else if (minus && (cur < size))
+        opp[cur].op = '-';
+      else return 0;
+      strncpy(buf, args, 511); buf[511] = 0;
+      pos++; q = buf;
+      for (i=0; i < pos; i++) r = newsplit(&q);
+      strncpy(opp[cur].nick, r, 62);
+      opp[cur++].nick[62] = 0;
+      break;
+    case 'b': case 'e': case 'I': case 'v': case 'h':
+      pos++;
+      break;
+    default:
+      break;
+    }
+  return cur;
 /* a pain in the ass: mode changes */
 static void gotmode(char *from, char *msg)
   char *nick, *ch, *op, *chg;
   char s[UHOSTLEN];
   char ms2[3];
-  int z;
+  int z, i, oppees, badops = 0;
   struct userrec *u;
   memberlist *m;
   struct chanset_t *chan;
@@ -967,12 +1001,32 @@
        msg[z] = 0;
       putlog(LOG_MODES, chan->name, "%s: mode change '%s %s' by %s",
             ch, chg, msg, from);
+      if (strchr(from, '@') && me_op(chan))
+        if ((oppees = my_parse(chg, msg, opp, 16)))
+          for (i=0; i < oppees; i++) {
+            m = ismember(chan, opp[i].nick);
+            if (m) {
+              u = m->user;
+              if (u) {
+                get_user_flagrec(u, &user, ch);
+                if (opp[i].op == '+' && !(glob_op(user) || chan_op(user)))
+                  badops++;
+                if (opp[i].op == '-' && (glob_op(user) || chan_op(user)))
+                  badops++;
+              } else if (opp[i].op == '+') badops++;
+            }
+          }
       u = get_user_by_host(from);
       get_user_flagrec(u, &user, ch);
       nick = splitnick(&from);
       m = ismember(chan, nick);
       if (m)
        m->last = now;
+      if (m && me_op(chan) && (badops > 1)) {
+        dprintf(DP_MODE, "KICK %s %s :%s\n", ch, nick, CHAN_MASSDEOP_KICK);
+        m->flags |= SENTKICK;
+        reversing = 1;
+      }
       if ((allow_desync == 0) &&       /* arthur2: added flag tests */
          !(glob_friend(user) || chan_friend(user) ||
            (channel_dontkickops(chan) &&
feel free to use it if you consider it better than yours