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Problem with some characters

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Problem with some characters

Post by tnd »

I notice that raw text that bot get from channel public messages or server message bot some characters is not correct.

I would like to know how to fix it by modify code or using tcl script but I don't have any idea.

Some characters of thai text can display correct but some has been change to other characters.

I am not sure if I need to add some config to make it work correct.

I try both LANG=th_TH or add encode cp874, tis-620 to tclegg.h but it still have problem

eggdrop v1.6.17
Tcl version: 8.3.3
OS: Linux 2.4.20
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Post by demond »

you mean you are able to see thai characters when you connect to your server with an IRC client, but the bot isnt't? what is your server's ircd and what IRC client do you use? (ircd version can be obtained with /quote version)
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Post by tnd »

Server running version Unreal3.2.1

Bot can see thai font but some characters is not correct.

Example: นึกว่าที่เดียวกัน -> นกว่ที่เดียแy

I have no problem with thai font on mIRC client

but I wonders message in echo bot DCC chat can show text correctly
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Post by demond »

eggdrop doesn't alter server's output in any way, to see or not to see the correct characters is up to your IRC client and its interpretation of the character set
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Post by tnd »

Anyone has the solution or suggestion?

It is the problem of tcl encoding?
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Post by demond »

what tcl?

you didn't say anything about a tcl script

did you mean that characters become garbled after processing by a script?
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Post by tnd »

I don't actaully mean by that but you said "eggdrop doesn't alter server's output" so i think it may be tcl encoding setting and I don't think that tcl script will change this.

At first point I think that it need some patch for server module.
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Post by demond »

why don't you simply describe your situation in details? i.e. how and where exactly have you observed that issue - in the bot's log, on party-line, in some script's output, or whatever; also provide details about your configuration - eggdrop version, Tcl version, loaded scripts etc.
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Post by demond »

oops you've already given version details...

I actually wonder if this is a script output or not; and if not, where exactly did you notice it
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Post by tnd »

I found the channel message in party line that some charactors was altered.

But the messages that type in party line show correctly.
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Post by demond »

you mean you have console +p? or do you use some script that relays channel messages to party-line (effectively the same as console +p)?
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Post by tnd »

Yes I set +p and turn on everything msgs, public, joins, kicks/modes, cmds, misc, bots, files, server, debug, wallops

Public message (also server message, NickServ reply) was altered but message when user talking in party-line not altered.
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Post by demond »

assuming that you don't use a script for that, it sounds puzzling to me... but I'll take a look at the source, although I'm pretty sure eggdrop doesn't convert PRIVMSGs
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Post by tnd »

I try to remove all scripts and load the follow modules

Module loaded: dns
Module loaded: channels
Module loaded: irc
Module loaded: server
Module loaded: ctcp
Module loaded: notes (with lang support)
Module loaded: console (with lang support)
Module loaded: blowfish
Module loaded: assoc

The problem still exists
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Post by awyeah »

Taken from: eggdrop1.6.xx/doc/known-problems.txt
Things that are broken, but aren't getting fixed anytime soon:

* High-bit characters are being filtered from channel names. This is a
fault of the Tcl interpreter, and not Eggdrop. The Tcl interpreter
filters the characters when it reads a file for interpreting. Update
your Tcl to version 8.1 or higher.

* Version 8.1 of Tcl doesn't support unicode characters, for example, è.
If those characters are handled in a script as text, you run into errors.
Eggdrop can't handle these errors at the moment.

Facebook: (Jay Dee)
PS: Guys, I don't accept script helps or requests personally anymore.