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pub binding bug?

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pub binding bug?

Post by puffi »

Hi, i know it sounds weird but as of 2005 all my pub-bindings work slightly different on my 1.6.17

pub bindings simply dont trigger when i use one or more arguments.

for example, i got a topic-script that tells the current topic with some extra information when a user writes .topic
now for ops of the channel (for real ops, not those who have the flag in the eggdrop, so the bind is for -|-) may edit the topic with + <sometext> or - <index>
all those bindings dont even work. i put a putlog-line to the very first line of the proc but the proc doesnt even get called.

the same behaviour for all other pub bindings :shock:

any ideas?
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Post by demond »

the very first idea that comes to mind would naturally and obviously be you post your script here
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Post by puffi »

Code: Select all

bind pub -|- $thisbot(cmdchar)topic myown:pub_topic

proc myown:pub_topic {n uh h c a} {
  putlog "pub topic n: $n uh: $uh h: $h c: $c a: $a"
  return 1
the point simply is, that the scripts worked all before, like for 2 years or sth.
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Post by demond »

try ${thisbot(cmdchar)}topic
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Post by puffi »


in a channal triggers it.

.topic testargone andtwo

the binding itself is okay and did work without any problems. additionally, i didnt change any code...and few days ago .topic testargs did work fine
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Post by demond »


Code: Select all

bind pub -|- ${thisbot(cmdchar)}topic myown:pub_topic 
is triggered by ".topic" and is not triggered by ".topic foo bar", assuming $thisbot(cmdchar) is "."?
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Post by puffi »

exactly. it doesnt matter if i replace the ${thisbot(cmdchar)}topic with .topic it shows the same behaviour.

i found this behaviour on 2 eggdrops with different scripts now, one running 6.16 and one running 6.17

i'm fairly sure 2 days ago the scripts worked just fine
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Post by demond »

just for clarity: you haven't changed anything from 2 days ago - you haven't recompiled the bot and installed the new version and you haven't modified your scripts - yet the scripts won't work now as they worked 2 days ago, on the same bot?
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Post by puffi »

i didnt change anything in none of each eggdrop/* trees.
no new binaries, no new scripts, nothing.

just for clarity too..the two bots i could see this behaviour are on two different machines with different linux distributions, different scripts installed and they are even different versions.

it really looks like a year-2005-bug or sth o.O
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Post by demond »

well, in such case I can see no other possible explanation than somehow changed shared libs - Tcl or otherwise

you can try to compile & install Tcl in your home dir and recompile & link the bot against it, not the system-wide libs