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notice NickServ

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notice NickServ

Post by Bruticus »

hello ppls,

is it possible to send nickserv a privmsg with -> msg nickserv register password email

after nickserv send a notice to an eggdrop with the text Your nick (nickname) isn't registered.
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Post by Alchera »

You register the nick you want with that command (on some networks) and then collect the e-mail sent following the included instructions to complete the process.
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Post by ^DooM^ »

You should only need to register once. did you perhaps mean IDENTIFY?
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Post by Bruticus »

Yes identify offcourse too but i don't no how i can make a tcl for this :(
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Post by caesar »

Have you bothered checking the TCL Archive before posting? There are lots of nickserv/chanserv/etc. scripts. Just pick one that suits your needs. :idea:
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Re: notice NickServ

Post by awyeah »

Bruticus wrote:hello ppls,

is it possible to send nickserv a privmsg with -> msg nickserv register password email

after nickserv send a notice to an eggdrop with the text Your nick (nickname) isn't registered.
Yes it is possible todo that. But the eggdrop must do a /nickserv info <nick> to check before the nick is registered or not.

You can bind to raw or notc "*The nick * is not registered.*" something like this depending upon your nickserv reply and check if string equals $nick and NickServ then go ahead and /nick <nick> (you want to reg). Then check if $botnick is the nick you want to register (as it could be in use), then putserv "PRIVMSG NickServ :REGISTER <password> <email>".

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Post by Alchera »

And we suppose the bot goes off and happily collects the e-mail and completes the process? In other words, what's the point? All that is required of the bot is to run a decent auto identify script once the bot owner has secured an appropriate nick for it.

Below is code I use on all my bots (on two networks using 'watch'):

Code: Select all

# name: autoident.tcl 
# NOTE: uses Bahamut (DALnets ircd) specific features (watch), 
# won't work on other ircds that dont support them.

# identify
#   This allows manual identify.
#     Command console:  Dcc 

# Name of one part of Services (e.g. NickServ, ChanServ) 
# (or any other nick) 
set servicesname "NickServ" 

# Name of NickServ 
set nickservicename "" 

# Set the next line as your bot's nick to identify to 
set mynick "BotNick" 

# Set the next line as your bot's password on nickserv 
set nickserv_pass "nickpass" 

## Don't change below this. 

bind raw - 601 services_offline 
bind raw - 605 services_offline 
bind raw - 604 services_online 
bind raw - 600 services_online 

bind evnt - init-server dowatch 

proc dowatch { type } { 
putserv "watch +$::servicesname" 

proc services_offline { from keyword args } { 
 putlog "Services have left the building!" 

proc services_online { from keyword args } { 
 putserv "PRIVMSG $::nickservicename :identify $::mynick $::nickserv_pass" 
 putlog "Identified to $::servicesname" 

bind dcc o identify manual_identify 

proc manual_identify {hand idx mascara} { 
 putserv "PRIVMSG $::nickservicename :identify $::nickserv_pass"    
 putlog "Identifying manually for nick \002\[$::botnick\]\002" 

putlog "AutoIdent, enabling watch.. (for $servicesname)" 
putserv "watch +$servicesname" 
putlog "AutoIdent loaded."
Last edited by Alchera on Sun Jan 02, 2005 9:19 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by awyeah »

Well yeah, but in this case this is something different I beleive than an auto identify script, it is a script to check if a nick is registered or not, then go ahead and register it. Like a NICK REGISTER SCRIPT. Keep note your bot's mainnick, should be set to the nick you want to register which would be $nick and when $nick == $botnick then only the nick will be registered. :)

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Post by Alchera »

In relation to the belated editing of my last post, I stumbled across raw.tcl on a Russian site (no longer has links) which will list all RAWS via DCC that your bot is currently using (via script). I am only familiar with the 4 I use in my auto identify script (600, 601, 604 & 605) and have no idea what any of the others are capable of (a pointer in the right direction would be nice).

Some one might find the script useful. :)
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