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Restrict forum to discussion of shell account usage?

Old posts that have not been replied to for several years.
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Post by rabb1d »

well from past experiences if you allow the bickering back and forth continuously it gets old and rather fast to. There has to be some sort of limitation on how much b.s will be tolerated. To silence one group and not another is completely unethical in my opinion.

Anyone can get friends to backup any situation at any time in efforts to make people believe in a lie. We've probably all seen that. Gathering proof one way or another might be nothing more than selling a lie for truth. Thats why I think 1 post from each side. Just make the post count and there wont be any need to create a long winded debate over whos telling what truth etc... If a post is well writen and thought out it will reveal the truth on the first posting regardless what anyone comes up with to counter the posters thought / experience.

For someone to come out and bash someone for posting good reviews about a company is just immature, and probably doesnt even merrit a response from anyone with a higher understanding of what maturity is.
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should have look at this one yesterday....

Post by DragnLord »

I agree that shell assistance postings and shell advertising/flaming/experience-with-provider postings should be kept separate.

Please move that blasted "issues with bcmhosting" thread over to other said furom when it's up.
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Post by ^DooM^ »

I agree it should be restricted to help with shell accounts rather than a forum to voice oppinions on certain companys.

In my experience if you are civil and show a little restraint with companys they are much more willing to help you out.

Would you help someone if they just slated you in public? no I think not and its a topic that should be kept away from egghelp in my humble oppinion. :wink:
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Post by metroid »

stop bringing up old threads people...
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Post by awyeah »

Well to be honest, especially this section is pretty useless *for me*. I mean people just write text and alot of it normally in every post, paragraphs... I don't have time to go on read and read, I just like the tcl and eggdrop help sections better.

To me, these sections are just discussions and arguments over shell providers and this is nothing related to as of help. Some people give recommendations of the providers they have used and their comments on their services etc.

I think this section is rarely used and only limited to most newbies as we old users know what is good through experience.

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PS: Guys, I don't accept script helps or requests personally anymore.