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Bot Uptime Contest

General support and discussion of Eggdrop bots.
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Bot Uptime Contest

Post by matt2kjones »

Just viewed my bot in the uptime contest and its been market as untrustworthy. Just yesterday it was marked with its true rank (ranked 123rd)

The bot is called "shockx" and nothing has happened to it

how come all of a sudden its been marked as untrustworthy?

[05:24] #Matt# uptime
Online for 154 days, 07:22 (background)
[05:25] @#tlmp (+trnl 20) : [m/10 o/2 h/0 v/8 n/0 b/0 e/0 I/0]


// Edit

Loads of bots look as if they have been removed..... not sure if anyone was familiar with the ranks / uptime but my bot had 150 days uptime a few days back with a rank of 124 or 123..... now.... bots with much lower uptime are ranked higher.... so loads of bots must have been marked as un trust worthy? #thedigitaldream
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Post by awyeah »

I think you should contact the eggheads team and ask them about this. It could be an error, a web-script bug or they might have reset or removed some bots.

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Post by Ovdis »

1 more question bout the uptime contest: my bot had become untrustworthy. will it be trustworthy again someday?
keep it real
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Post by awyeah »

Can't be sure about that as well.

"Why is my bot marked as untrustworthy?"

Your bot's uptime is based off the original uptime value you send -- for some reason people cheat and change this original value to make their bot look like it has a higher uptime than it really does. So to help prevent cheating if the first packet your bot sends has an uptime greater than 4 days it will be marked as untrustworthy. There is also a bug in the uptime module for Eggdrop v1.6.10 and below, where if you type ".restart" the module will be unloaded and reloaded -- and the uptime value changes because of this. This bug has been corrected in Eggdrop v1.6.11 and your bot should no longer be marked as untrustworthy if you &quot.restart".

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Post by hide »

yeah.. same happened to me.. I got offenced about that an I'm no more participating in that contest-removed uptime module from config..
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Post by ClubCX »

The uptime contest isn't very good at keeping track of bots. I have about 120 in the contest and the last time they reached the top there were less than a fifth of that number still considered trustworthy.
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Post by awyeah »

Probobaly due to the increasing number of bots, day by day, say there must be atleast 70,000-80,000 bots in the contest. Due to such a quite of large number to keep track the scripts and uptime modules might have gotten into some problems, due to keeping record of such a vast database and updating it constantly.

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Post by Baldrick2 »

Hi Folks

OK I see some other people have the same problem as me.

My bot Percy (bless him, its a boy!! :lol: )

is listed as Untrustworthy. Personally I've always found him to be a pretty good to speak?

Is there anyway I can get his status changed, 'cos the uptime is pretty good by my standards!

Thanks for any help


I know it looks like I'm cheating somehow but this is what I get when I do uptime in channel

-Percy- I've been up since Sat May 27 17:00:46 2006 [37 weeks 6 days 2 hours 26 minutes 39 seconds].
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Post by Alchera »

This is an eggheads matter basically.
Add [SOLVED] to the thread title if your issue has been.
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Post by Baldrick2 »

Hi Alchera

OK thanks.

It wasn't a complaint or anything. I realise that the from the initial source download, to hosting these forums, websites and further down the line, the uptime database are all services very kindly given for free.

I really just wanted to know if I'd possibly messed something up in the config (it wouldn't be the first time!), or if another module was causing a conflict.

Its not really important and the statistic of 70-80,000 bots all reporting home once an hour is certainly an impressive one, so I understand that there may be glitches.

That being said I'm not going to be spitting my dummy out as the other poster and will keep the uptime module installed, because apart from anything else its a damn good, fun idea!!

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Post by MrStonedOne »

this is egghelp, a eggdrop help site, u need eggheads,

egghelp != eggheads

they are ran by two differnt teams, and rarely talk to eachother
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