when we type .adduser (nick) the eggdrop by default put the hostmask like this *! host@*.undernet.org wich is easy to trick since everybody on undernet have .undernet.org as hostmask
is it possible to make the eggdrop add *!*@username.users.undernet.org in place of the default hostmask ?
(note taht username is the username of the person registered to undernet X bot and is specific to one people only)
For the default one I am not really, sure you would maybe have to modify the source code.
But you can do a thing replace the .adduser by making your own bind dcc and then [getchanhost [lindex $arg 0] $chan] for the user and use it as a hostmask in which ever type you like to add the user's host on.
Facebook: jawad@idsia.ch (Jay Dee) PS: Guys, I don't accept script helps or requests personally anymore.