Somone that know if a TCL is written that can relay topic from one channel to another true a linked bot ? all i have seen is TCL's that can "lock" the topic, or set back the old one if the topic is lost, but thats not what i looking for. i think i can manage to make the code for the "relay" part, but i dont think i can be able to make it change the topic by it self, im not that good at coding yet..
putbot <bot-nick> <message>
Description: sends a message across the botnet to another bot. If no
script intercepts the message on the other end, the message is
Returns: nothing
Module: core
and use the bot bind to catch this on the other bot.
Description: triggered by a message coming from another bot in
the botnet. The first word is the command and the rest becomes
the text argument; flags are ignored.
Module: core