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newban & newchanban banning uncomplete ident

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newban & newchanban banning uncomplete ident

Post by pumpk1ns »

Hi, i've got problem with newban & newchanban tcl commands. It seems always banning uncomplete ident (missing 1 last char) if the 1st string of the ident contain chars "~", "_", or some others and the length of the ident are more than 6 chars. Please take a look at this msgs from my partyline console (the bold string). I'm using eggdrop1.6.17 & Tcl 8.4.7

<me> .tcl set testing "*!*_aaabbbccc@localhost"; newchanban #testingchan $testing testz "testing" 1
<bot> Tcl:
<bot> #testingchan: mode change '+b *!*_aaabbbcc@localhost' by bot!testbot@localhost
<bot> gerl kicked from #testingchan by bot: Banned: testing
<bot> [05:32] gerl (_dddeeefff@localhost) joined #testingchan.
<me> .tcl set testing "*!*_dddeeefff@localhost"; newchanban #testingchan $testing testz "testing" 1
<bot> Tcl:
<bot> [05:32] #testingchan: mode change '+b *!*_dddeeeff@localhost' by bot!testbot@localhost
<bot> [05:32] gerl kicked from #testingchan by bot: Banned: testing

Is this a bug from eggdrop1.6.17 or just something missing?
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Post by greenbear »

it probably get cut off at the end because you feed it faulty idents, there's a max limit of 10chars, that includes your wildcard.
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Post by pumpk1ns »

In my example above the ident only contain 8 chars including the wildcard. So it doesn't a faulty idents I think and it doesn't over limit the max limit of 10 chars. So any other idea to fix this probs?
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Post by awyeah »

Just use putserv to kick and ban the user. If you really need a sticky ban then go ahead and use a small tcl script which binds on join, checking certain hosts, if they match, ban and kick them like newchanban: *!*[lindex [split $uhost "@"] 0]@[lindex [split $uhost "@"] 1] or just *!*$uhost

Facebook: (Jay Dee)
PS: Guys, I don't accept script helps or requests personally anymore.
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Post by greenbear »

Looks like 11 to me
.tcl string length *_aaabbbccc
Tcl: 11
You can always use maskhost to make sure you have a properly masked host
.tcl maskhost _aaabbbccc@localhost
Tcl: *!*abbbccc@localhost
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Post by pumpk1ns »

Ok thanks guys, the maskhost command is very usefull. It solved the probs now. Thanks again gb & awyeah ;)