i`ve install forward.tcl and it works fine , too fine lol the thing that happen is when people log themselves with /msg botnick id password the bot relay that info on the channel exposing the user password to the public
is there a way to prevent that without compromising the use of the tcl ?
here`s the code
Code: Select all
#This is tcl to forwaring msgs on private to channel. It's simple and so funny :>
#skript za printirane na msg-tata na privat v izbran kanal :> da se posmeem
# r0gUe gad@c4.com
#blagodarnosti na Himika :> Thanks himik :P
bind msgm - "*" proc:laina
#seting the channel to forward | Setvame si kanala za forward na replikite i ... da se posmeem
set chan "#tequila-sunrise"
proc proc:laina {nick uhost hand arg} {
global chan
set line [string trim $arg]
if {$nick == "SeenServ"} {
puthelp "privmsg $chan :SeenServ returned: $line"
return 0
puthelp "PRIVMSG $chan :$nick on private: '$line'"
return 0
putlog "Forward loaded"