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get.tcl dcc send

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get.tcl dcc send

Post by Thunderdome »

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# Get.tcl by KuNgFo0 (

#DESCRIPTION Lets people access a specific directory and all its subdirectories to download files from.

# Set the next line as the channels you want to run in
set get(chans) "#channel"
# Set the next line as the directory to allow access to
set get(dir) "/home/blabla/public_html/stuff"
# Set the next line as the command you want
set get(command) "!get"
# Set the next line as the temp file to use to send the dir listing
set get(file) "dirlisting.txt"

proc xrange {xr xr1 xr2} {
 return [join [lrange [split $xr] $xr1 $xr2]]

proc xindex {xr xr1} {
 return [join [lrange [split $xr] $xr1 $xr1]]

proc pub_get {nick uhost hand chan arg} {
 global get botnick
 if {(([lsearch -exact [string tolower $get(chans)] [string tolower $chan]] != -1) || ($get(chans) == "*")) && (![matchattr $hand b]) && ($nick != $botnick)} {
  msg_get $nick $uhost $hand $arg

proc msg_get {nick uhost hand arg} {
 global get
 switch -exact -- [set command [string tolower [xindex $arg 0]]] {
  "find" - "search" {
   if {[set str [xrange $arg 1 end]] == ""} { puthelp "NOTICE $nick :Usage: $get(command) find <file>" } \
   elseif {![get_valid $str]} { puthelp "NOTICE $nick :Error: Invalid filename" } \
   else {
    if {[file isdirectory [set tmp [file join $get(dir) $str]]]} {
     set get(tdir) $tmp
     set file "*"
    } elseif {([string match */* $str]) && ([file isdirectory [set tmp2 [file dirname $tmp]]])} {
     set get(tdir) $tmp2
     set file [file tail $tmp]
    } else {
     set get(tdir) $get(dir)
     set file $str
    set filelist ""
    foreach {file1 file2} [get_list $get(tdir)] {
     if {([string match *[string tolower $file]* [string tolower [file tail $file2]]])} {
      if {[file isdirectory $file1]} { lappend filelist \002$file2/\002 } \
      else { lappend filelist $file2 }
    if {$filelist == ""} { set filelist "None" }
    while {$filelist != ""} {
     puthelp "NOTICE $nick :Matches found (\002$str\002) - [join [lrange $filelist 0 19] ", "]"
     set filelist [lreplace $filelist 0 19]
  "list" {
   if {[catch {open $get(file) w} fileid]} { puthelp "NOTICE $nick :Error: Could not open temp file" } \
   else {
    fconfigure $fileid -translation "crlf" ; # Most people are probably using windows
    puts $fileid "*** Listing contents of $get(dir) (* = new in last day)"
    foreach i "dirs links files bytes" { set get($i) 0 }
    get_write $fileid $get(dir)
    puts $fileid "*** $get(dirs) dirs, $get(links) links, $get(files) files, $get(bytes) bytes"
    close $fileid
    get_send $nick $get(file)
  "help" - "" {
   puthelp "NOTICE $nick :Available commands:"
   puthelp "NOTICE $nick :$get(command) find <file>"
   puthelp "NOTICE $nick :$get(command) <file>"
   puthelp "NOTICE $nick :$get(command) list"
  default {
   if {![get_valid [set file $arg]]} { puthelp "NOTICE $nick :Error: Invalid filename" } \
   elseif {![file exists [set tmp [file join $get(dir) $file]]]} { puthelp "NOTICE $nick :Error: File '$tmp' does not exist" } \
   else { get_send $nick $tmp }

proc get_valid {file} {
 return [expr {(![string match *..* $file]) && (![string equal [string index $file 0] "/"])}]

proc get_send {nick file} {
 switch -exact -- [dccsend $file $nick] {
  0 { puthelp "NOTICE $nick :Sending [file tail $file]." }
  1 { puthelp "NOTICE $nick :Error: Too many pending file requests. Try again later, thank you." }
  2 { puthelp "NOTICE $nick :Error: Could not open socket. Please notify my admin, thank you." }
  3 { puthelp "NOTICE $nick :Error: File does not exist. Please notify my admin, thank you." }
  4 { puthelp "NOTICE $nick :Error: Too many file sends already in progress. Your request has been added to the queue, please wait." }
  5 { puthelp "NOTICE $nick :Error: Could not move file to temporary directory. Please notify my admin, thank you." }

proc get_list {what {pre ""}} {
 if {$pre == ""} { set pre $what }
 set files ""
 foreach file [lsort [glob -nocomplain [file join $what *]]] {
  set file2 [string trimleft [string range $file [string length $pre] end] "./\\"] ; # the filename we actually show to the user
  if {![file readable $file]} {
   continue ; # ignore unreadable files
  } elseif {[file isdirectory $file]} {
   set files [concat $files $file $file2 [join [get_list $file $pre]]]
  } else {
   lappend files $file $file2
 return $files

proc get_write {fileid what} {
 global get
 puts $fileid "/"
 foreach {file1 file2} [get_list $what] {
  if {![catch {file type $file1} type]} {
   switch -exact -- $type {
    directory {
     incr get(dirs)
     set temp $file2/
    link {
     incr get(links)
     if {[catch {file readlink $file1} temp]} { set temp "Could not eval symlink" }
     set temp [format "%-60s %s" $file2 "--> $temp"]
    file {
     incr get(files)
     incr get(bytes) [set size [file size $file1]]
     set temp [format "%-50s %10s" $file2 $size]
    default {
     incr get(files)
     set temp $file2
   if {[expr [clock seconds] - [file mtime $file1]] < 86400} {
    puts $fileid  "* $temp"
   } else {
    puts $fileid  "  $temp"

set copy-to-tmp 1

bind pub - $get(command) pub_get
bind msg - $get(command) msg_get

if {![file exists $get(dir)]} {
 if {[catch {file mkdir $get(dir)}]}     { putlog "Error: Could not create directory $get(dir)" }
} elseif {![file isdirectory $get(dir)]} { putlog "Error: $get(dir) is not a directory" } \
elseif {![file readable $get(dir)]}      { putlog "Error: $get(dir) is not readable" }

putlog "*** Get.tcl 0.3 by KuNgFo0 loaded"

This script sounds pretty usefull but I get

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Tcl error [pub_get]: invalid command name "dccsend"
Does my eggdrop fail to have dccsend activated or something? Or is it some script error...? :(
Thanks and greetz :wink:
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De Kus
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Post by De Kus »

load the module "filesys", dccsend is part of it.
De Kus
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Post by Thunderdome »

worked fine! thanks! :D
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Post by Julia »

I have just a little question.
Isn't possible to have the size of the file in Kb, Mb, Gb.

For example :

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[06:43] -Eggy|Fun-Frags- / (size: 278477080 bytes)
I'm a newbie in tcl scripting, but maybe :oops:
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