setudef flag deop
bind mode - "*+o*" why:nick
bind notc - "*Identification to the nickname*" nick:whyed
proc why:nick {nick uhost hand chan mc vict} {
global whyed
if {![channel get $chan deop]} { return 0 }
putserv "PRIVMSG :why $chan $vict"
set whyed([string tolower $vict]) 1
proc nick:whyed {nick uhost hand text dest} {
global whyed
if {![info exists whyed([string tolower [lindex [split $text] 0]])]} { return 0 }
if {![string equal -nocase [lindex [split $text] 0] [string trimright [lindex [split $text] end] .]]} {
putquick "KICK [stripcodes [string trimright [lindex [split $text] 5] .]] [string trimright [lindex [split $text] end] .] :You're using someone else's access"
unset whyed([string tolower [lindex [split $text] 0]])
proc stripcodes {str} {
regsub -all -- {\003[0-9]{0,2}(,[0-9]{0,2})?|\017|\037|\002|\026|\006|\007} $str "" str
return $str
and its working gr8 ..
thanx every one for the help .
can that kick thingie be changed to a /cs deop #name nick
and then a notice to the nick " you are using some one else's access "
the above script takes the access of the nick from chanserv .. and sends a msg to chanserv requesting deop of the origional nick that has access to the channel .. not the current nick of the user. is it possible to parse the chanserves msg .. something like this
pakistani1 wrote:the above script takes the access of the nick from chanserv .. and sends a msg to chanserv requesting deop of the origional nick that has access to the channel .. not the current nick of the user. is it possible to parse the chanserves msg .. something like this