On my irc network, if someone is using a registered nickname you are able to send a command to kill that user and get your nickname back.
Now I would like to know if its possible for the bot to send a command to a irc service when it can obtain its correct nickname.
For example in the config file you can specify a command to execute when the bot need's ops, needs a channel key etc...
Can this be done for when it needs to regain its nickname? Could this be done in a script perhaps?
Austnet IRC network has a service called nickop, you register your nickname with the service, then if someone uses it you type
/msg nickop kill nickname password
and they will be disconnected from the network, allowing you to reobtain your nickname.
You must change the "service" part and the putserv line to fit your austnet needs. On dalnet one can do a RECOVER or GHOST similar to your kill on austnet, without using a password (if nickserv recognises the uhost).
This is preferred as it will avoid putting passwords in your config file or the script file.
<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: egghead on 2002-02-28 19:40 ]</font>