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Suggestion: Attachment mod for the site

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Suggestion: Attachment mod for the site

Post by dotslasher »

It would be alot better if you (owner of the site) would install an attachement Mod for the forum. At the moment people are posting entire scripts in the Script release section and clogging up the site with their long pasts, its really not the best way to look at the forum. With the attachement mod you could allow people to upload their scripts.

Attach mod for your board can be found:
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Post by ^DooM^ »

Thats all good and well except that people could upload potentially anything including viruses which opens up a whole new nightmare for the board mods to keep track of. I agree in principle but in reality I think this would not be a good idea unless the mod can be limited to text only uploads or specific extensions. Not to mention the whole space issue that would be required on the server itself.

Overall a good idea if it can be secured and HDD space spared.
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Post by Galadhrim »

it can. If I remembers correctly it can be changed to certain extensions and specific max size.
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Post by arcane »

imho it would be better to choose a "code-pasting"-mod instead.
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Post by dotslasher »

^DooM^ wrote:Thats all good and well except that people could upload potentially anything including viruses which opens up a whole new nightmare for the board mods to keep track of. I agree in principle but in reality I think this would not be a good idea unless the mod can be limited to text only uploads or specific extensions. Not to mention the whole space issue that would be required on the server itself.

Overall a good idea if it can be secured and HDD space spared.
- Full Permissions System
You are able to set Download Permissions, Upload Permissions and Extension Groups per Forum Permissions.
- Able to add comments to Attachments
- Automatic Deletion of Attachments if Posts got deleted (manual Delete, pruning, within the Moderator Control Panel or the User Attachment Control Panel)
- Editing of existing Attachments.
Able to Delete/Add/Change Comment and Update Attachments while editing Posts.
- even if the local path for Attachments is changed in admin, all previous posted attachments will be displayed correctly
- category support - special behaviour instead of just presenting a link
- Special Behaviour on Images:
Thumbnail Support
Image Link Presentation depending on Dimensions
Inline Images
- Stream Files directly within Posts. Supported Types:
aif, aifc, aiff, asf, asx, au, avi, ivf, m3u, mid, midi, mlv, mp2, mp3, mp2v, mpa, mpe, mpeg, mpg, mpv2, rmi, snd, wav, wax, wm, wma, wmx, wmv, wvx
- Play Flash Files within Posts. Support for compressed Flash MX Files.
- little image definable for displaying in front of Attachments and Threads containing Attachments.
Able to define an Image for Forum View and for every Extension Group.
- Maximum Upload Size definable.
Maximum Upload Size per Extension Group definable.
- Multiple attachments in one post
maximum number of attachments per post definable
- multiple attachments in one PM
maximum number of attachments per PM definable
- Attachment Quotas:
- Overall Attachment Quota
- User Attachment Quotas
- Group Attachment Quotas
- Quotas are definable for PM Boxes and Upload
- download counter
- Download Method selectable for every Extension Group
This is very useful for Datatypes needing a 'real' link, for example real media files
- three Upload Methods:
- Normal Upload
- FTP Upload
- FTP Remote Upload
- Able to display Attachments in Preview Window
- Able to display Attachments in Review Window
- User Attachment Control Panel
- Attachment Limit Box within Private Message Box
- Attachment Upload Stats in Users Profile

- Special Admin Modules:
- Manage Forbidden Extensions
- Manage allowed Extensions (Delete, Add, Assign new group)
- Manage Extension Groups
- Manage Special Categories
- Synchronize Attachments
- Delete Shadow Attachments (those Attachments not deleted with posts, for what reason ever)
- a complete Attachment Control Panel (with an integrated search feature)
- much more. To sum it up, a fully customizable Attachment Feature for your Board.

- Language Packs:
for up-to-date Language Packs and Informations please visit
or the Language Pack Forum at
(if someone is willing to translate the Attachment Mod to other Languages, please contact me at

- database-support: mysql, mysql4, mssql, mssql-odbc, postgresql
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Post by ^DooM^ »

I didn't read all that because I couldn't be arsed. You could of just said It has those features you were on about and all would of been well :wink:
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Post by greenbear »

i dont see the need for attachements. ppl will just post their scripts all over the forum, instead of submitting them to the archive, making them harder/impoosible to find.

it'll also be harder to find code examples using search.
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Post by ^DooM^ »

greenbear wrote:i dont see the need for attachements. ppl will just post their scripts all over the forum, instead of submitting them to the archive, making them harder/impoosible to find.

it'll also be harder to find code examples using search.
I agree. One of egghelps crowning achievements is being able to search through and find snippits of code here and there to help you out along the way.
The lifecycle of a noob is complex. Fledgling noobs gestate inside biometric pods. Once a budding noob has matured thru gestation they climb out of their pod, sit down at a PC, ask a bunch of questions that are clearly in the FAQ, The Noob is born
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Post by Alchera »

From looking around it appears that little "novelty" is being done without quite successfully anyway.

For a site this large that particular mod would be of no benefit to anyone for the reasons stated by both ^DooM^ & greenbear.
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Re: Suggestion: Attachment mod for the site

Post by slennox »

dotslasher wrote:It would be alot better if you (owner of the site) would install an attachement Mod for the forum. At the moment people are posting entire scripts in the Script release section and clogging up the site with their long pasts, its really not the best way to look at the forum. With the attachement mod you could allow people to upload their scripts.
Already considered it; blame Sir_Fz for not liking the subBlack theme :mrgreen: Actually, I'm relieved at not having to install and maintain it, as it's a beast of a mod.

The Script Support & Releases forum is misleadingly named perhaps--it's intended as place where scripters can "announce" their scripts, elicit feedback and provide support, and post test/beta/preliminary releases, while the Tcl Archive is still the place for releasing scripts to the masses. There is currently a disconnect between the two which I'll have to address.
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Re: Suggestion: Attachment mod for the site

Post by Sir_Fz »

slennox wrote: Already considered it; blame Sir_Fz for not liking the subBlack theme :mrgreen: Actually, I'm relieved at not having to install and maintain it, as it's a beast of a mod.
I was just thinking for your benifit, don't blame me :P

My screen is, in most times, my only source of light during night so that theme is way too dark :lol:
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Post by Alchera »

I have to agree with Sir_Fz, subBlack isn't ummmm.... hmmm.... clean, for want of a better word. There's better out there, lots better. :)
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Post by rabb1d »

yes subblack is nasty
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