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If someone can fix this chess tcl

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If someone can fix this chess tcl

Post by loozer »

hi there if anyone can fix this tcl or make better just contact me

namespace eval chess {set version 0.2 ;# resize on <Configure>}
proc chess::new board {
# create a new game (generic dispatcher) with the board name
proc ::$board {{cmd format} args} \
"uplevel 1 chess::\$cmd $board \$args"
uplevel 1 $board reset
proc chess::reset {boardName {setup ""}} {
upvar 1 $boardName board
if {$setup == ""} {set setup \
"r n b q k b n r
p p p p p p p p
. . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . .
R N B Q K B N R"
foreach line [split [string trim $setup] \n] y {8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1} {
foreach word $line x {A B C D E F G H} {
set board($x$y) $word
set board(toMove) white
set board(history) {} ;# start a new history...
proc chess::format boardName {
# render current board into a well-readable string
upvar 1 $boardName board
foreach row {8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1} {
foreach column {A B C D E F G H} {
append res " " $board($column$row)
append res \n
set res
proc chess::move {boardName move} {
upvar 1 $boardName board
foreach {from to} [split $move -] break
set fromMan $board($from)
if {$fromMan == "."} {error "no man to move at $from"}
set toMan $board($to)
if ![valid? board $move] {error "invalid move for a [manName $fromMan]"}
set board($from) .
set board($to) $fromMan
if {$toMan != "."} {append move -$toMan} ;# taken one
lappend board(history) $move
set board(toMove) [expr {$board(toMove) == "white"? "black": "white"}]
set toMan ;# report possible victim
proc chess::color man {expr {[string is upper $man]? "white" : "black"}}

proc chess::valid? {boardName move} {
upvar 1 $boardName board
foreach {from to} [split $move -] break
if {$to==""} {return 0}
set fromMan $board($from)
if {[color $fromMan] != $board(toMove)} {return 0}
set toMan $board($to)
if [sameSide $fromMan $toMan] {return 0}
foreach {x0 y0} [coords $from] {x1 y1} [coords $to] break
set dx [expr {$x1-$x0}]
set adx [expr {abs($dx)}]
set dy [expr {$y1-$y0}]
set ady [expr {abs($dy)}]
if {[string tolower $fromMan] != "n" && (!$adx || !$ady || $adx==$ady)} {
for {set x $x0; set y $y0} {($x!=$x1 || $y!=$y1)} \
{incr x [sgn $dx]; incr y [sgn $dy]} {
if {($x!=$x0 || $y!=$y0) && $board([square $x $y])!="."} {
return 0
} ;# planned path is blocked
switch -- $fromMan {
K - k {expr $adx<2 && $ady<2}
Q - q {expr $adx==0 || $ady==0 || $adx==$ady}
B - b {expr $adx==$ady}
N - n {expr ($adx==1 && $ady==2)||($adx==2 && $ady==1)}
R - r {expr $adx==0 || $ady==0}
P {
expr {(($y0==2 && $dy==2) || $dy==1)
&& (($dx==0 && $toMan==".") ||
($adx==1 && $ady==1 && [sameSide p $toMan]))
p {
expr {(($y0==7 && $dy==-2) || $dy==-1)
&& (($dx==0 && $toMan==".") ||
($adx==1 && $ady==1 && [sameSide P $toMan]))
default {return 0}
proc chess::validMoves {boardName from} {
upvar 1 $boardName board
set res {}
foreach to [array names board ??] {
set move $from-$to
if [valid? board $move] {
if {$board($to) != "."} {append move -$board($to)}
lappend res $move
lsort $res
proc chess::coords square {
# translate square name to numeric coords: C5 -> {3 5}
foreach {c y} [split $square ""] break
list [lsearch {- A B C D E F G H} $c] $y
proc chess::square {x y} {
# translate numeric coords to sq uare name: {3 5} -> C5
return [string map {1 A 2 B 3 C 4 D 5 E 6 F 7 G 8 H} $x]$y
proc chess::undo boardName {
upvar 1 $boardName board
if ![llength $board(history)] {error "Nothing to undo"}
set move [lindex $board(history) end]
foreach {from to hit} [split $move -] break
set board(history) [lrange $board(history) 0 end-1]
set board($from) $board($to)
if {$hit==""} {set hit .}
set board($to) $hit
set board(toMove) [expr {$board(toMove) == "white"? "bl ack": "white"}]
proc chess::sameSide {a b} {regexp {[a-z][a-z]|[A-Z][A-Z]} $a$b]}

proc chess::history boardName {uplevel 1 set $boardName\(history)}

proc chess::manName man {
set table {- k king q queen b bishop n knight r rook p pawn}
set i [l search $table [string tolower $man]]
lindex $table [incr i]
proc chess::values boardName {
# returns the current numeric value of white and black crews
upvar 1 $boardName board
set white 0; set black 0
foreach square [array names b oard ??] {
set man $board($square)
switch -regexp -- $man {
[A-Z] {set white [expr {$white + [manValue $man]}]}
[a-z] {set black [expr {$black + [manValue $man]}]}
list $white $black
proc chess::manValue man {
array set a {k 0 q 9 b 3.2 n 3 r 5 p 1}
set a([string tolower $man])
#----------------------------------------------------------- Tk UI
proc chess::drawBoard {boardName w args} {
upvar #0 $boardName board
array set opt {-width 300 -colors {bisque tan3} -side white -usefont 0}
array set opt $args
if {![winfo exists $w]} {
canvas $w -width $opt(-width) -height $opt(-width)
bind $w <Configure> "chess::drawBoard $boardName $w $args"
set board(usefont) $opt(-usefont)
$w bind mv <1> [list chess::click1 $boardName $w %x %y]
$w bind mv <B1-Motion> {
%W move current [expr {%x-$chess::x}] [expr {%y-$chess::y}]
set chess::x %x; set chess::y %y
$w bind mv <ButtonRelease-1> "chess::release1 $boardName $w %x %y"
} else {
$w delete all
set board(side) $opt(-side)
set dim [min [winfo height $w] [winfo width $w]]
if {$dim<2} {set dim $opt(-width)}
set board(sqw) [set sqw [expr {($dim - 20) / 8}]]
set x0 15
set x $x0; set y 5; set colorIndex 0
set rows {8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1}
set cols {A B C D E F G H}
if {$board(side) != "white"} {
set rows [lrevert $rows]
set cols [lrevert $cols]
foreach row $rows {
$w create text 5 [expr {$y+$sqw/2}] -text $row
foreach col $cols {
$w create rect $x $y [incr x $sqw] [expr $y+$sqw] \
-fill [lindex $opt(-colors) $colorIndex] \
-tag [list square $col$row]
set colorIndex [expr {1-$colorIndex}]
set x $x0; incr y $sqw
set colorIndex [expr {1-$colorIndex}]
set x [expr {$x0 - $sqw/2}]
incr y 8 ;# letters go below chess board
foreach col $cols {$w create text [incr x $sqw] $y -text $col}
drawSetup $boardName $w
set w
proc chess::click1 {boardName w cx cy} {
upvar #0 $boardName board
variable x $cx y $cy from
$w raise current
regexp {@(..)} [$w gettags current] -> from
foreach move [validMoves board $from] {
foreach {- to victim} [split $move -] break
set fill [$w itemcget $to -fill]
if {$fill != "green" && $fill != "red"} {
set newfill [expr {$victim==""? "green" : "red"}]
$w itemconfig $to -fill $newfill
after 1000 $w itemconfig $to -fill $fill
proc chess::release1 {boardName w cx cy} {
upvar #0 $boardName board
variable from
set to ""
foreach i [$w find overlap $cx $cy $cx $cy] {
set tags [$w gettags $i]
if {[lsearch $tags square]>=0} {
set to [lindex $tags end]
if [valid? board $from-$to] {
set victim [move board $from-$to]
if {[string tolower $victim]=="k"} {set ::info Checkmate.}
$w delete @$to
set target $to
$w dtag current @$from
$w addtag @$to withtag current
} else {set target $from} ;# go back on invalid move
foreach {x0 y0 x1 y1} [$w bbox $target] break
foreach {xm0 ym0 xm1 ym1} [$w bbox current] break
set dx [expr {($x0+ $x1-$xm0-$xm1)/2}]
set dy [expr {($y0+$y1-$ym0-$ym1)/2}]
$w move current $dx $dy
proc chess::drawSetup {boardName w} {
upvar #0 $boardName board
$w delete mv
foreach square [array names board ??] {
drawMan $boardName $w $square $board($square)
proc chess::drawMan {boardName w where what} {
if {$what=="."} return
upvar #0 $boardName board
set fill [expr {[regexp {[A-Z]} $what]? "white": "black"}]
if $board(usefont) {
set unicode [string map {
k \u265a q \u265b r \u265c b \u265d n \u265e p \u265f
k K q Q r R b B n N p P
} [string tolower $what]]
set font [list Helvetica [expr {$board(sqw)/2}] bold]
$w create text 0 0 -text $unicode -font $font \
-tag [list mv @$where] -fill $fill
} else {
$w create poly [manPolygon $what] -fill $fill \
-tag [list mv @$where] -outline gray
set f [expr {$board(sqw)*0.035}]
$w scale @$where 0 0 $f $f
foreach {x0 y0 x1 y1} [$w bbox $where] break
$w move @$where [expr {($x0+$x1)/2}] [expr {($y0+$y1)/2}]
proc chess::manPolygon what {
# very simple shapes of the chess men - feel free to improve!
switch -- [string tolower $what] {
b {list -10 8 -5 5 -9 0 -6 -6 0 -10 6 -6 9 0 5 5 10 8\
6 10 0 6 -6 10}
k {list -8 10 -10 1 -3 -1 -3 -3 -6 -3 -6 -7 -3 -7 -3 -10\
3 -10 3 -7 6 -7 6 -3 3 -3 3 -1 10 1 8 10}
n {list -8 10 -1 -1 -7 0 -10 -4 0 -10 6 -10 10 10}
p {list -8 10 -8 7 -5 7 -2 -1 -4 -5 -2 -10 2 -10 4 -5 \
2 -1 5 7 8 7 8 10}
q {list -6 10 -10 -10 -3 0 0 -10 3 0 10 -10 6 10}
r {list -10 10 -7 1 -10 0 -10 -10 -5 -10 -5 -6 -3 -6 -3 -10\
3 -10 3 -6 5 -6 5 -10 10 -10 10 0 7 1 10 10}
proc chess::flipSides {boardName w} {
upvar #0 $boardName board
$w delete all
set side [expr {$board(side)=="white"? "black": "white"}]
$boardName drawBoard $w -side $side

#------------------------------------- some general utilities:

proc lrevert list {
set res {}
set i [llength $list]
while {$i} {lappend res [lindex $list [incr i -1]]}
set res
proc min args {lindex [lsort -real $args] 0}
proc sgn x {expr {$x>0? 1: $x<0? -1: 0}}

#------------------------------------------------testing demo:

if {[file tail [info script]]==[file tail $argv0]} {
chess::new game
frame .f
label .f.e -width 30 -anchor w -textvar info -relief sunken
button .f.u -text Undo -command {game undo; game drawSetup .c}
button .f.r -text Reset -command {game reset; game drawSetup .c}
button .f.f -text Flip -command {game flipSides .c}
eval pack [winfo children .f] -side left -fill both
pack .f -fill x -side bottom
pack [game drawBoard .c] -fill both -expand 1
trace variable game(toMove) w MoveInfo
proc MoveInfo {- - -} {
set ::info "$::game(toMove) to move - [chess::values ::game]"
set info "white to move"
bind . <3> {
set game(usefont) [expr 1-$game(usefont)]
event generate .c <Configure>
bind . ? {console show}
bind . <Escape> {exec wish $argv0 &; exit}
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Post by arcane »

nice, a chess tcl...

but maybe you should tell us what's wrong with it (and use code-tags next time)...
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Post by greenbear »

for one its not a eggdrop script, its using Tk do draw a ui.
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Post by ^DooM^ »

Loozer please stop asking why TCL files not even intended to be run on eggdrops do not work.
The lifecycle of a noob is complex. Fledgling noobs gestate inside biometric pods. Once a budding noob has matured thru gestation they climb out of their pod, sit down at a PC, ask a bunch of questions that are clearly in the FAQ, The Noob is born