i want that the bot joins after 5 mins the specific chan given by "keyword"
but somehow, the bot joins immediately - why?
thanksproc angriff1 { nick hand uhost chan keyword } {
timer 5 [channel add #[lindex [split $keyword ] 0]]
thanksproc angriff1 { nick hand uhost chan keyword } {
timer 5 [channel add #[lindex [split $keyword ] 0]]
Code: Select all
timer 5 [list channel add #[lindex [split $keyword ] 0]]
because the command 'channel' is executed imidiatly and its return added to the timer list (you probably addionally recive an timer error after 5min).misterys wrote:hmm thanks, but why with "list" and not without?
Code: Select all
set basis olala
Code: Select all
append basis _fleet