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Question about interrupting a script

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Question about interrupting a script

Post by -W0kk3L- »

Here i am again, with a small question. I don't know if it's possible, so i will ask the wise men and women :)

I've got a script running which does a SQL query. The query returns (or can return) a large amount of data (like 10 to 20 lines of data) to the IRC channel. Is it possible to implement a command, like !stop or so, which stops the output flow the minute it is typed? (So it doesn't continue the whole flow).

I'm not sure if it can be done, because of the flood-protect of the eggdrop. I'm running the eggdrop on Quakenet (so if i flood too fast, the bot will be killed.... that's a stop too, but not the one i want :D).

Thnx in advance for answering this question :)
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Post by metroid »

Code: Select all

bind pub n !stop stop:something

proc stop:something {n u h c t} {
  clearqueue all
  putserv "NOTICE $n :Stopped all queue messages."
Ofcourse this will not work if the bot has already send everything to the server and the server is queueing the message
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Post by Sir_Fz »

Would work if he's using the slowest query (puthelp) to output the data.
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Post by greenbear »

you could also use a max number of lines setting.
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Post by demond »

MeTroiD wrote:

Code: Select all

bind pub n !stop stop:something

proc stop:something {n u h c t} {
  clearqueue all
  putserv "NOTICE $n :Stopped all queue messages."
Ofcourse this will not work if the bot has already send everything to the server and the server is queueing the message
what's "clearqueue"?
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Post by metroid »

clearqueue <queue>
Description: removes all messages from a queue. Valid arguments are:
mode, server, help, or all.
Returns: the number of deleted lines from the specified queue.
Module: server
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Post by demond »

okay, but it's irrelevant to that guy's problem; I presume he meant output a result as soon as it has been fetched from db - which means he has a lengthy fetch loop - and you can't interrupt that loop (not without using TCL's threads extension)

of course, if the output is pre-fetched, your solution might work (if the pace of the output is slow enough to be interruptable by triggering pub bind)
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Post by De Kus »

if you fetch the output from sql and put it via putserv/puthelp it will be filled within a few milliseconds in the server/help queue. so if you clear the queue, the output is interrupted. where the logical problem? the function cant be still running while the output is beeing actually send to server, it would stuck the bot :D.
De Kus
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