sKy wrote:My only suggestion:
If there are other scirpts which provides publik commands (!help or whatever), the bind pub will not trigger your bind pubm against channel/repeatingflood.
Maybe you can find a way to let each bind pub trigger you bind pubm too?
Anyway, really great script. You have done a good work.
Well, I'm sure that the person who has access to public commands must have atleast a +f or +mo flags. Note that allfloodprotection exempts +f and +mo users, also voices and ops.
Alchera wrote:I am guessing the aim is to detect and ban consonant nicks
Looking at my translated proc, it doesn't only ban consonant nicks... It first checks if the nick has no vowels (except for y) if it does, then it checks if other characters are in the nick. Note that there are a few checks on the nick and ident (i.e. is alpha, lowercase, length...etc) before checking for vowels, characters...etc
slennox wrote:The end result will be a small victory for the flooders. Currently, "drone nicks" have the unintended benefit of being distinguishable from regular users, which can simplify the job of IRC and channel operators. That will disappear.
I agree with this. Currently nosense:kick pretty much works for me as my bot is oped in a channel where alot of "such" nicks join, but it may not work if other types of nicks is used... so you're right, in the end there can be found a way through it.