somebody here write this TCL script remove abuse from Aop channel list if begin masskick and not working propably. i need to change this TCL to this idea.
1- I have 2 bots connect togather by botnet ( one is HUB and another is LEAF ).
2- "HUB bot" inside my channel as a normal user and "LEAF bot" outside my channel.
3- If any Sop or Aop in my channel begin Masskick, i need "HUB bot" send abusenick to "LEAF bot" through BOTNET connection.
4- I need "LEAF bot" do /cs why #chan abusenick, When the bot get respone from chanserv get truenick in channel list and remove truenick. if SOP do /cs sop #chan del truenick else /cs aop #chan del truenick. and deop abusenick.
why i ask here because i can't do that script i need advanced coder to do that and it's new idea to control channel from MassKick and must this script work with 2 botnet . I will be thanks alot if somecoder here do it.
This old script but not work propably and work with one bot only:
A better idea to completely (or atleast) prevent masskick would be to delete the sop/aop of any nick who kicks/deops the bot. This way the abuser might not be able to masskick if the bot deletes him quickly. A slight modification to your code would do that.
. what about if abusenick make masskick from outside channel then the bot will try to remove ChanServ nick because this's abusenick . That's not my idea. i need script to work with 2 botnet . You know some abuse user do masskick from outside and change him nick quickly and do masskick again and change him nickname again that's more masskick with random abuse nickname.
xGame wrote: . what about if abusenick make masskick from outside channel then the bot will try to remove ChanServ nick because this's abusenick . That's not my idea. i need script to work with 2 botnet . You know some abuse user do masskick from outside and change him nick quickly and do masskick again and change him nickname again that's more masskick with random abuse nickname.
He can't masskick from the outside if the bot has higher access (unless it's different on your network which I doubt), thus he'll have to join and kick or deop the bot in order to masskick the channel. As for the changing his nick issue, It won't be any different if the leaf bot issued the why command.
bah bring back the good old days where servers were basic and nick colliding was fun
The lifecycle of a noob is complex. Fledgling noobs gestate inside biometric pods. Once a budding noob has matured thru gestation they climb out of their pod, sit down at a PC, ask a bunch of questions that are clearly in the FAQ, The Noob is born
Heh I have been around since the old BBS days. Cut my teeth on Ircnet whilst on demon dialup with a spankingnew fast 14.4 pace linnet modem and 14.4's were damn quick back then a whole 4k/sec. These young whipper snappers dont know they're born with there 2, 4, 8 mbit lines /sigh
The lifecycle of a noob is complex. Fledgling noobs gestate inside biometric pods. Once a budding noob has matured thru gestation they climb out of their pod, sit down at a PC, ask a bunch of questions that are clearly in the FAQ, The Noob is born
I don't think this is a good idea. To implement this the bot must have channel founder access to the channel otherwise it is no good, and giving such high access can cause catastrophe -- if you know what I mean.
Facebook: (Jay Dee) PS: Guys, I don't accept script helps or requests personally anymore.
xGame wrote: . what about if abusenick make masskick from outside channel then the bot will try to remove ChanServ nick because this's abusenick . That's not my idea. i need script to work with 2 botnet . You know some abuse user do masskick from outside and change him nick quickly and do masskick again and change him nickname again that's more masskick with random abuse nickname.
He can't masskick from the outside if the bot has higher access (unless it's different on your network which I doubt), thus he'll have to join and kick or deop the bot in order to masskick the channel. As for the changing his nick issue, It won't be any different if the leaf bot issued the why command.
Will I try your tcl script "allfloodprotection3.8b.tcl" it's not working propably with arabic channel letters name. like #الرياض only work with one channel and when i try restart my bot i find the scrit not work. what's problem you think ?.