Code: Select all
Code: Select all
open 21
enter username
enter password
Also there have been several posts over the past few months where users cannot get windrops to 'exec' any program outside of the eggdrop this could also be your problem. This all said and done doesn't help you much into fixing the problem and unfortunately I cant see any quick fix either.Code: Select all
set cs(ftperror) [catch {set cs(ftpclient) [exec which ftp]}]; set cs(rehash) 1 if {$cs(ftperror) && [file executable /usr/bin/ftp]} {set cs(ftpclient) "/usr/bin/ftp"; set cs(ftperror) 0} if {$cs(ftperror) && [file executable /bin/ftp]} {set cs(ftpclient) "/bin/ftp"; set cs(ftperror) 0} if {$cs(ftperror) && [info commands auto_execok] != ""} { set cs(ftpclient) [auto_execok ftp]
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switch -exact $cs(ulmethod) {
1 {foreach e $ullist {
if {[file exists $e]} {
file copy -force $e $cs(localfolder)
file delete -force $e
} else {putlog "CHATstats: Skipped moving $e, file not found."}
2 {set ftperror [catch {
set ftpid [open "|$cs(ftpclient) -n $cs(ftpname) $cs(ftpport)" w]
puts $ftpid "user $cs(username) $cs(password)"
foreach a $ullist {
if {[file exists $a]} {
puts $ftpid "put $a $cs(ftpfolder)[lindex [split $a "/"] end]"
} else {putlog "CHATstats: Skipped uploading $a, file not found."}
puts $ftpid "quit"
close $ftpid
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if {$ullist != ""} {
switch -exact $cs(ulmethod) {
1 {foreach e $ullist {
if {[file exists $e]} {
file copy -force $e $cs(localfolder)
file delete -force $e
} else {putlog "CHATstats: Skipped moving $e, file not found."}
2 {set ftperror [catch {
set ftpid [open "$cs(ftpclient) -n $cs(ftpname) $cs(ftpport)" w]
puts $ftpid "$cs(username) $cs(password)"
foreach a $ullist {
if {[file exists $a]} {
puts $ftpid "put $a $cs(ftpfolder)[lindex [split $a "/"] end]"
} else {putlog "CHATstats: Skipped uploading $a, file not found."}
puts $ftpid "quit"
close $ftpid
if {$ftperror} {putlog "CHATstats: An error occured while trying to use FTP."}
foreach a $ullist {file delete -force $a}