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if user changes nick, how to pull info for nick in userfile

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if user changes nick, how to pull info for nick in userfile

Post by xcoldfyrex »

This tcl works, but the nick must be in the userlist, how can this work for people who changed thier nicknames(it wont recognize them right now)

proc flags {nick host hand chan text} {
set fl [chattr $nick | $chan]
set fl2 [chattr $text | $chan]
set nnick [getchanhost $text]
set fuser [finduser $nnick]
if { $fl != "*" || $fl2 != "*" } {
if { $text == "" } {
putquick "PRIVMSG $chan :Flags for $text!$nnick: Global flags-<\002 $fl\002 >-$chan flags"
} else {
putquick "PRIVMSG $chan :Flags for $text!$nnick: Global flags-<\002 $fl2\002 >-$chan flags"
} else {
putquick "PRIVMSG $chan :that mofo ($text!$nnick) ain in da database..."
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Post by Dizzle »

NICK (stackable)
bind nick <flags> <mask> <proc>
procname <nick> <user@host> <handle> <channel> <newnick>

Description: triggered when someone changes nicknames. The mask
is matched against '#channel newnick' and can contain wildcards.
Channel is "*" if the user isn't on a channel (usually the bot not
yet in a channel).
Module: irc
this is from tcl-commands, $newnick will be the user who's had a nickchange.
Hope this will help

Good luck
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Post by xcoldfyrex »

if i am reading that right, that event is triggered when the user changes thier nick, the code i posted is when somone is a channel does "!flag <nick>" . the stats.mod works like that, it keeps correct info reguardless of nickname
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Post by YooHoo »

Code: Select all

nick2hand <nickname> [channel]
    Returns: the handle of a nickname on a channel. If a channel is not
      specified, the bot will check all of its channels. If the nick is
      not found, "" is returned. If the nick is found but does not have
      a handle, "*" is returned.
    Module: irc

  hand2nick <handle> [channel]
    Returns: nickname of the first person on the specified channel (if one
      is specified) whose nick!user@host matches the given handle; "" is
      returned if no match is found. If no channel is specified, all channels
      are checked.
    Module: irc
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Post by demond »

your proc is incorrect, use [matchattr] instead of [chattr] for matching user flags/attributes

and for converting between nick and user (handle) use the procs suggested by YooHoo