bind pub n .next next:voice
proc next:voice {nick uhost handle chan arg} {
global list
set who [lindex $list 0]
putserv "PRIVMSG $chan :list is empty"
return 0 }
if {[botisop $chan] && [onchan $who $chan]} { ; here is the problem
putserv "MODE $chan +v $who"
regsub -all "$who" $list "" list
I'm getting this: TCL error in file 'eggdrop.conf': can't read "chan": no such variable while executing "botisop $chan" (file "scripts/voice.tcl" line 1) (file "eggdrop.conf" line 1) * CONFIG FILE NOT LOADED (NOT FOUND, OR ERROR)
1) Where is the mistake?
2) Any sugestion to change the last part to check if the $list == "" to say this msg "list is empty" like i write up.
PS: This is only the last part of the tcl.