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rssnews.tcl - How to change update interval?

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rssnews.tcl - How to change update interval?

Post by TC^^ »

So I've tried to reach perpleXa, the scripts author, on Qnet, without success, and asked the users on #perpleXa for some help, allso without success, so now I'll try here and hope some friendly and patient soul will help.

I want to change the interval on how often the script checks for new items in the RSS feed, and posts it in channel. Currently the script checks every 10th minute for a new item, and post it correctly. But I want it to check like, say every 3rd minute instead!?

It's not that I haven't tried changing some code in the script, but I can't seem to get it working right.

For thoes who's not familiar with the code, here it is (This is the original 'working' code, with 10 minute interval):

Code: Select all

array unset feed
## -------------------------------------------------------------
## ---- Setup --------------------------------------------------

set feed(newzdk) {
  MSGLIMIT=5 Update: \002<upfirstchar <news>>\002 (Læs nyhed: <link>)
  TRIGLAYOUT=\[\002<id>\002\] \002<upfirstchar <news>>\002 - <link>

## ---- End of Setup -------------------------------------------
## -------------------------------------------------------------

if {[package vcompare [info tclversion] 8.4] < 0} {
  putlog "You don't have TCL 8.4, you have to upgrade to version 8.4 or higher to use [file tail [info script]]."

package require http

namespace eval rss {
  variable protect 60
  variable timeout 20
  variable pubbind {!news}
  variable msgbind {news}
  variable v_major 4
  variable v_minor 5
  variable v_build 0251
  variable version $v_major.$v_minor.$v_build
  variable client "Mozilla/5.0 (X11; U; Linux i686; en-US; rv:1.7) Gecko/20040803 Firefox/0.9.3"
  bind PUB -|- $pubbind [namespace current]::public
  bind MSG -|- $msgbind [namespace current]::private
  bind TIME -|- {?0 * * * *} [namespace current]::check
  namespace export public private check

proc rss::check {args} {
  global feed
  variable client
  variable timeout
  putquick "PING :[clock seconds]" -next
  foreach id [array names feed] {
    set url "0"
    set database "0"
    set channels "0"
    set postnews "1"
    set postlimit "3"
    set publimit "3"
    set msglimit "10"
    set postlayout {\00314(\00307<publisher>\00314)\00307 <news> \00314<\00307<link>\00314>\003}
    foreach line [split $feed($id) \n] {
      regsub -all -- {/\*.*?\*/} $line {} line
      regexp -nocase -- {^\s*URL=(.+?)\s*$} $line tmp url
      regexp -nocase -- {^\s*DATABASE=(.+?)\s*$} $line tmp database
      regexp -nocase -- {^\s*CHANNELS=(.+?)\s*$} $line tmp channels
      regexp -nocase -- {^\s*POSTNEWS=(.+?)\s*$} $line tmp postnews
      regexp -nocase -- {^\s*POSTLIMIT=(.+?)\s*$} $line tmp postlimit
      regexp -nocase -- {^\s*PUBLIMIT=(.+?)\s*$} $line tmp publimit
      regexp -nocase -- {^\s*MSGLIMIT=(.+?)\s*$} $line tmp msglimit
      regexp -nocase -- {^\s*POSTLAYOUT=(.+?)\s*$} $line tmp postlayout
    if {($url == 0) || ($database == 0) || ($channels == 0)} {
      putlog "RSS: Warning: Couldn't load configuration for the \[$id\] feed."
    if {$postnews == 0} {
    if {![file isdirectory [file dirname $database]]} {
      file mkdir [file dirname $database]
    set count 0
    set data {}
    http::config -useragent $client
    catch {http::geturl $url -command "[namespace current]::check:data {$database} {$channels} {$postlimit} {$postlayout}" -timeout [expr $timeout * 1000]}

proc rss::check:data {database channels postlimit postlayout token} {
  upvar 0 $token state
  if {![string equal -nocase $state(status) "ok"]} {
    return 0
  set latestnews "iddqd"
  if {[file exists $database]} {
    set temp [open $database r+]
    set latestnews [gets $temp]
    if {[string length $latestnews] <= 1} {
      set latestnews "iddqd"
    close $temp
  set data [http::data $token]
  http::cleanup $token
  set publisher [publisher $data]
  set data [parse $data]
  set temp [open $database w+]
  set postlayout [join $postlayout { }]
  foreach {item} $data {
    regsub -all -- {<id>} $postlayout [lindex $item 0] output
    regsub -all -- {<publisher>} $output $publisher output
    regsub -all -- {<link>} $output [lindex $item 1] output
    regsub -all -- {<news>} $output [lindex $item 2] output
    regsub -all -- {<upfirstchar\s(.*?)>} [clean $output] {[upfirstchar "\1"]} output
    puts $temp [decode [subst $output]]
  close $temp
  set count 0
  set temp [open $database r+]
  while {![eof $temp]} {
    gets $temp headline
    if {([string equal -nocase $latestnews $headline]) || ([string equal -nocase $latestnews "iddqd"]) || ($count == $postlimit)} {
    incr count
    msg $channels $headline
  close $temp

proc rss::news {target id type} {
  global feed
  variable client
  variable timeout
  if {$type == 2} {
    set msgtype PRIVMSG
  } else {
    set msgtype NOTICE
  set url "0"
  set publimit "3"
  set msglimit "10"
  set triglayout "\00314\[\00307<id>\00314\]\00307 <news> \00314<\00307<link>\00314>\003"
  foreach item [split $feed($id) \n] {
    regsub -all -- {/\*.*?\*/} $item {} item
    regexp -nocase -- {^\s*URL=(.+?)\s*$} $item tmp url
    regexp -nocase -- {^\s*PUBLIMIT=(.+?)\s*$} $item tmp publimit
    regexp -nocase -- {^\s*MSGLIMIT=(.+?)\s*$} $item tmp msglimit
    regexp -nocase -- {^\s*TRIGLAYOUT=(.+?)\s*$} $item tmp triglayout
  if {($url == 0)} {
    putquick "$msgtype $target :Warning: Couldn't load configuration for the \[$id\] feed."
    return 0
  if {$type == 1} {
    set limit $msglimit
  } elseif {$type == 2} {
    set limit $publimit
  } else {
    return 0
  http::config -useragent $client
  catch {http::geturl $url -timeout [expr $timeout * 1000]} token
  if {[regexp -nocase -- {^couldn\'t\sopen\ssocket:\s+?(.*)$} $token tmp state(status)]} {
    putquick "$msgtype $target :Warning: Couldn't connect to the \[$id\] feed ($state(status))."
    return 0
  upvar 0 $token state
  if {![string equal -nocase $state(status) "ok"]} {
    putquick "$msgtype $target :Warning: Couldn't connect to the \[$id\] feed (connection $state(status))."
    return 0
  set data [http::data $token]
  http::cleanup $token
  set publisher [publisher $data]
  set data [parse $data]
  set count 0
  set triglayout [join $triglayout { }]
  foreach {item} $data {
    incr count
    regsub -all -- {<id>} $triglayout [lindex $item 0] output
    regsub -all -- {<publisher>} $output $publisher output
    regsub -all -- {<link>} $output [lindex $item 1] output
    regsub -all -- {<news>} $output [lindex $item 2] output
    regsub -all -- {<upfirstchar\s(.*?)>} [clean $output] {[upfirstchar "\1"]} output
    set output [decode [subst $output]]
    if {$type == 2} {
      if {[regexp -- {c} [getchanmode $target]]} {
        set output [stripcodes c $output]
    puthelp "$msgtype $target :$output"
    if {($count == $limit)} {

proc rss::publisher {content} {
  set publisher {n/a}
  regsub -all -- {\n+|\s+|\t+} $content { } content
  regsub -all -- {([\\&])} $content {\\\1} content
  regexp -nocase -- {<title>(.+?)</title>} $content tmp publisher
  return $publisher

proc rss::parse {content} {
  regsub -all -- {\n+|\s+|\t+} $content { } content
  regsub -all -- {([\\&])} $content {\\\1} content
  set item 0
  set news ""
  while {[regexp -nocase -- {<item(\s[^>]*?)?>(.+?)</item>} $content -> & value]} {
    incr item
    set title {n/a}
    regexp -nocase -- {<title>(.+?)</title>} $value -> title
    regexp -nocase -- {\<\!\[CDATA\[(.*?)\]\]\>} $title -> title
    set link {n/a}
    regexp -nocase -- {<link>(.+?)</link>} $value -> link
    regexp -nocase -- {\<\!\[CDATA\[(.*?)\]\]\>} $link -> link
    regsub -nocase -- {<item.*?>.+?</item>} $content {} content
    lappend news "$item {$link} {$title}"
  return [lsort -integer -unique -index 0 $news]

proc rss::decode {content} {
  if {![regexp -- & $content]} {
    return $content
  set escapes {
      \x20 " \x22 & \x26 &apos; \x27 – \x2D < \x3C > \x3E ˜ \x7E € \x80 ¡ \xA1
    ¢ \xA2 £ \xA3 ¤ \xA4 ¥ \xA5 ¦ \xA6 § \xA7 ¨ \xA8 © \xA9 ª \xAA « \xAB
    ¬ \xAC ­ \xAD ® \xAE &hibar; \xAF ° \xB0 ± \xB1 ² \xB2 ³ \xB3 ´ \xB4 µ \xB5
    ¶ \xB6 · \xB7 ¸ \xB8 ¹ \xB9 º \xBA » \xBB ¼ \xBC ½ \xBD ¾ \xBE ¿ \xBF
    À \xC0 Á \xC1 Â \xC2 Ã \xC3 Ä \xC4 Å \xC5 Æ \xC6 Ç \xC7 È \xC8 É \xC9
    Ê \xCA Ë \xCB Ì \xCC Í \xCD Î \xCE Ï \xCF Ð \xD0 Ñ \xD1 Ò \xD2 Ó \xD3
    Ô \xD4 Õ \xD5 Ö \xD6 × \xD7 Ø \xD8 Ù \xD9 Ú \xDA Û \xDB Ü \xDC Ý \xDD
    Þ \xDE ß \xDF à \xE0 á \xE1 â \xE2 ã \xE3 ä \xE4 å \xE5 æ \xE6 ç \xE7
    è \xE8 é \xE9 ê \xEA ë \xEB ì \xEC í \xED î \xEE ï \xEF ð \xF0 ñ \xF1
    ò \xF2 ó \xF3 ô \xF4 õ \xF5 ö \xF6 ÷ \xF7 ø \xF8 ù \xF9 ú \xFA û \xFB
    ü \xFC ý \xFD þ \xFE ÿ \xFF
  set content [string map $escapes $content]
  regsub -all -- {&[a-zA-Z]+?;} [clean $content] {?} content
  regsub -all -- {&#(\d{1,3});} $content {[format %c [scan \1 %d]]} content
  return [subst $content]

proc rss::private {nickname hostname handle arguments} {
 global feed
 variable spam
 variable protect
  set arguments [clean $arguments]
  set spewfeed [lindex $arguments 0]
  if {![validfeed $spewfeed 1]} {
    putquick "NOTICE $nickname :Please supply a valid feed: [join [lsort -dictionary [array names feed]] ",\x20"]"
    return 0
  set spewfeed [validfeed $spewfeed 2]

There it is.. Isn't it just tasty :) Please help
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Post by metroid »

Modify this bind to your needs then

Code: Select all

  bind TIME -|- {?0 * * * *} [namespace current]::check 
Although i think had you actually looked at the code you might have seen that?
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Post by TC^^ »

Thanks for the reply.

Well, I'm not what you would call skilled at coding tcl, I only know a few basics.. I did find that bind, and I allso tried modify it, bur it didn't give me any results? Maybe because I'm not doing it right?

Code: Select all

bind TIME -|- {?0 * * * *} [namespace current]::check
?0 = Seconds
other *'s = hour, day, month, year ?? Right?

But what is '?0' ?? Is it equal 10? What does the questionmark represent? And would changing this to ...

Code: Select all

bind TIME -|- {3 * * * *} [namespace current]::check
... make the script update every 3'rd minute? Because I tried that, without result. Thanks
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Post by demond »

"?0" means every number of minutes that ends with zero (i.e. every 10 mins); and no, you can't set it up on every 3 minutes this way

patch this:

Code: Select all

proc rss::check {min hour day mon year} {
  if {$min % 3} return
BTW, this script doesn't seem RSS-compliant to me (it might work on some sites and on others it might not), it looks more like a cheap & ugly hack; if you need real, 100% RSS-compliant & compatible script (with configurable refresh interval), see this thread
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Post by TC^^ »

Thanks demond for the usefull answer. I found some documentation that explained 'TIME', but still needed a solution to make it update every 3'rd minute. You supplied that info, thanks..

I'll take a look at that other script you postet. I certantly don't like the one I'm using being called cheap and ugly. It works great though, but maybe the other will work better.
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Post by JoshuaUK »

I am having trouble with this too :-( doesn't seem to be posting the most up-to-date RSS feeds.
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Post by demond »

well it's about time someone to come up with a decent RSS news script (or I should get mine to work in a way that's not dependent on TclLib/TclXML, people seem to be unable to install those packages, *sigh*)
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Post by TeRRaNoVA »

have a small question,

first all script works fine, bud only when thers no key on channel
its will msg the #channel. bud when there a key on it,
then i get a error: tcl script [:::rss::public::] ..."stripcode"

how do i get it to work when channel is #abcnews +key?

Code: Select all

allready trided >> CHANNELS=#abcnews (KEY)
bud that doesnt work. anyone can help me with that?