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bot auto op wont work

Old posts that have not been replied to for several years.
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Post by Crack02 »

^DooM^ wrote:
demond wrote:heh

do you realize that 2 different people are talking to you, with 2 different solutions?

are you able to differentiate between the two?
heh I thought that whilst I was writing my last post. I wonder if he/she was doing something odd and merging the two scripts together. lmao ;)
omg ;) he didnt merge them ;)
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Post by ^DooM^ »

Take it out of your config file. stick it in a nice tcl file all on its own and call it at the end of your script with source scripts/yourfile.tcl . That way you give the config file time to load everything first before you start to give it commands.
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Post by Crack02 »

ok ill try

ok i added

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source scripts/opper.tcl
to my eggdrop.conf

and wrote into scripts/opper.tcl

Code: Select all

bind join - "*" botjoin

proc botjoin {nick uhost hand chan} {
  if { $nick == $::botnick } {
    putserv "opmode $chan +o botnick"
so the eggdrop starts but doesn't help itself top operator status again.
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Post by ^DooM^ »

it's possible that your bot is joining before its opering up and being ignored by your services or being throttled. That script works fine for me and has been working fine for over 2 years. put a utimer on the putserv and delay it asking.
The lifecycle of a noob is complex. Fledgling noobs gestate inside biometric pods. Once a budding noob has matured thru gestation they climb out of their pod, sit down at a PC, ask a bunch of questions that are clearly in the FAQ, The Noob is born
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Post by Crack02 »

improbably, because irc operators doesnt have any throttleds as far as i know.

how do i define a utimer?

found something in the logfiles

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[22:10] Tcl error [botjoin]: can't read "botnick": no such variable
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Post by greenbear »

it should be '$::botnick', not 'botnick' in that code you just posted
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Post by Crack02 »

i tried lots of combinations but either i get an error or it does nothing. i removed everything's useless and now it works

Code: Select all

bind join - "*" botjoin

proc botjoin {nick uhost hand chan} {
    putserv "opmode $chan +o BotsName"
not as functionally as the original script/s but it works, thats it ;)
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Post by ^DooM^ »

oops my bad.

dont remove the logic for if its the bots nick or not. else it will op itself when anyone joins the channel not just the bot

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bind join - "*" botjoin

proc botjoin {nick uhost hand chan} {
  if { $nick == $::botnick } {
    putserv "opmode $chan +o $::botnick"
That will work and will only op itself when it joins the channel not when anyone joins.

Sorry about that :oops:
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Post by Crack02 »

hehe, sh*t happens, who cares :P

hm got an idea. the bot has an o line. so if someone chance his name to the bots normal name and the bot cant select this namen, the bot can kill this user and reget his correct name.
im not sure about a script for this already exist, but i think no, because (maybe) less bots have an o-line on an irc network ;)
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Post by demond »

...and even less ircops are completely clueless, although I know of a fairly large network (in the top ten) where virtually all ircops and admin staff have level of knowledge similar to yours (no offense)
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Post by ^DooM^ »

just add the bots nick to a Qline on your ircd that way noone but opers can use that nick
The lifecycle of a noob is complex. Fledgling noobs gestate inside biometric pods. Once a budding noob has matured thru gestation they climb out of their pod, sit down at a PC, ask a bunch of questions that are clearly in the FAQ, The Noob is born