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i need edit this script

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i need edit this script

Post by Bader »

hi i try to make some script, for the opers
if there any users send msg spammrs for the bot, the bot copye
the nickname and the test of the msg, but doesn`t work good
pls i need help with it, and thanks

Code: Select all

set spambantime 30

bind msgm - "*" pv_kick

proc pv_kick {nick uhost hand text} {
  global botnick spambantime
  if {[regexp -nocase "/server" $text] || [regexp -nocase "http://" $text] || 
  [regexp -nocase "www." $text] || [regexp -nocase "decode" $text] || [regexp -nocase "ftp://" $text] > 0} { 
    foreach kickchan [channels] {
      if {![isop $nick $kickchan] || ![matchattr $hand o] || ![isvoice $nick $kickchan]} {    
        if {[onchan $nick $kickchan]} {   
          set bmask "*!*[string range $uhost [string first "@" $uhost] end]"
          if {![ischanban $bmask $kickchan] || [botisop $kickchan]} {
            putserv "privmsg #channelname :Spammer $nick ,Message: $text"
putlog "Spammers Send to channel opes tcl"
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Post by demond »

for detecting spam you can use this:

Code: Select all

regexp {(?i)(http://|www\.|irc\.|[[:space:]]#)} $string
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Post by Bader »

demond wrote:for detecting spam you can use this:

Code: Select all

regexp {(?i)(http://|www\.|irc\.|[[:space:]]#)} $string
like this

Code: Select all

set spambantime 30 

bind msgm - "*" pv_kick 

proc pv_kick {nick uhost hand text} { 
  global botnick spambantime 
 regexp {(?i)(http://|www\.|irc\.|/server)} $string 
    foreach kickchan [channels] { 
      if {![isop $nick $kickchan] || ![matchattr $hand o] || ![isvoice $nick $kickchan]} {    
        if {[onchan $nick $kickchan]} {    
          set bmask "*!*[string range $uhost [string first "@" $uhost] end]" 
          if {![ischanban $bmask $kickchan] || [botisop $kickchan]} { 
            putserv "privmsg #channelname :Spammer $nick ,Message: $text" 
putlog "Spammers Send to channel opes tcl"
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Post by metroid »

i'd say, if regexp or this script will kick everybody no matter what i suppose
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Post by Bader »

i mean if there any one send msg private by spam for website for server
the bot send him nick and hismsg
like: spam: nick Msg: welcome to
the bot send him nick with him msg to some channel,
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Post by Sir_Fz »

Bader wrote:i mean if there any one send msg private by spam for website for server
the bot send him nick and hismsg
like: spam: nick Msg: welcome to
the bot send him nick with him msg to some channel,
Isn't that what the script is already doing?
putserv "privmsg #channelname :Spammer $nick ,Message: $text"
Anyway, this should do it:

Code: Select all

set spamrchan "#yourchan"

bind msgm - * relay:spam

proc relay:spam {nick uhost hand arg} {
 if {[regexp {(?i)(http://|www\.|irc\.|[[:space:]]#)} $arg]} {
  puthelp "PRIVMSG $::spamrchan :Spam by $nick with message: $arg"
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Post by awyeah »

Just remember also to "stripcodes" in $arg before matching also so it is easier and can catch more spammers using different techniques of spamming links and urls.

Facebook: (Jay Dee)
PS: Guys, I don't accept script helps or requests personally anymore.