As normal, shell companies are living by the existence of eggdrops. In the past, I had a shell provider that was mass killing the processes before rebooting (bot quits with reason: Remote closed the connection). My new provider just reboots and my bots eventually ping timeout. Too bad, if they only could throw a command so my bot could save userfile before dying...
On this thought, I was reffering to "die on SIGHUP" and "die on SIGTERM". I ain't good in unix commands, I have no idea what both of these commands means, but I would like to know if any one of them should be turned to 1 or 0 for commercial shells, to ease things up on the admin, while keeping it safe.
I have thought of the idea on a command where admins could throw a command so the bots on the shell could quit IRC with reason "shell reboot" or something similar, but this would mean a security problem too... ah well.