proc raw:ncc_checkctcp {from keyword arg} {
global botnick ncc_chans ncc_noactions ncc_ctcps ncc_lockchan ncc_globflags ncc_chanflags
set nick [string range $from 0 [expr [string first "!" $from] -1]]
set chan [lindex [split $arg] 0]
set type [string trim [string trim [lindex $arg 1] :] \001]
The error is:
It's not a major error, I think the script's author made that proc to unset repeat_last and repeat_num variables since they're used as arrays in the script. Although he should've used 'info exists' instead.
* If you were talking about allfloodprotection, then why're you using a separate repeat protection script
on dalnet my channel is standart, 0,1% to put the bot on new channel and i dont have to change the settings all the time. on undernet i dont have standar channels or i put the on a registration bla bla... i cant change all the time the settings and if u see on my posts the most times i want the scripts to act on all the channels . i pick up small scripts, its not easy but that way i will start learning thinks on tcl. i can modify small tcl to act like i want it. fiou ;P