For the auto-op and auto-voice delay check the setting (.chaninfo), and as for that script, there are plenty around, just make a search on the TCL scripts page.
i don't think so it's on a dual pentium 1000 with 1 gig RAM an a 10 GBit internet connection??
Whats wrong if the bot only accepts 9 characters for the nickname i set the net to others (option 5) and the nick-lenght i insertet 15 but the bot already accepts only 9 characters??
Is this so or made i something wrong??
no boxes ever have 10gbit net connections. only the very highest quality routers (costing as much as a small house) can handle that much bandwidth, so putting that much on a box is pointless. possibly you meant it has a 1gbit or 100mbit link to a 10gbit multihomed network in a datacentre. and regardless of the size of your pipe, anything can get lagged.
as for your other question, you're confusing nick length with handle length. nick length determines how large nicknames it will accept as being valid on the irc server (for kicks etc). handle length is compiled into the binary (ie you have to recompile to change it), and determines the maximum length that it will accept as a user handle. read src/eggdrop.h