the command is .boot - why don't you do yourself a favor....type .help all and read...Decl wrote:Now I found out, that '.save' works when I am alone on the partyline. When there is somebody else and I try '.save', it displays such message. Saving or writing the files automatically after each hour works normally.
Another question: what's the command to remove somebody from the partyline (like kick or something ) ?
if help doesn't work, check to make sure you have the path correctly defined in the conf fileDecl wrote:And anyway... I found out there are a lot of other problems, while more than 1 user are on partyline. For example, .help never works, when 2 are there. When I enter the partyline and somebody is in there, MOTD doesn't appear as it normally should... the other user can't make .whois himself, altho I can (as a global owner). I don't get it... :S
It also crashes on realoading config (.rehash) while 2 users on p/l. Altho I have all scripts I've added myself disabled. WTF?
New user file?Decl wrote:I have normal eggdrop downloaded from the slennox's eggdrop page and installed on one shell.
Code: Select all
[15:57:27] <botje`> Connected to botje, running eggdrop v1.6.17
[15:57:27] <botje`> ____ __
[15:57:27] <botje`> / __/___ _ ___ _ ___/ /____ ___ ___
[15:57:27] <botje`> / _/ / _ `// _ `// _ // __// _ \ / _ \
[15:57:27] <botje`> /___/ \_, / \_, / \_,_//_/ \___// .__/
[15:57:27] <botje`> /___/ /___/ /_/
[15:57:27] <botje`>
[15:57:27] <botje`> Hey Decl! My name is botje and I am running eggdrop v1.6.17, on FreeBSD 5.3-RELEASE.
.....and so on........
[15:57:27] <botje`> *** Decl joined the party line.
[14:00:03] <Decl`utc> .help
[14:00:03] <botje`> [14:36] #Decl# help
[14:00:03] <botje`> DCC commands for botje, eggdrop v1.6.17:
[14:00:03] <botje`> For all users:
[14:00:03] <botje`> who away quit whom
[14:00:03] <botje`> me page match motd
.....and so on.........
Code: Select all
[14:11:34] <Decl`utc> .who
[14:11:34] <botje`> [14:11] #Decl# who
[14:11:34] <botje`> Party line members: (* = owner, + = master, % = botmaster, @ = op, ^ = halfop)
[14:11:34] <botje`> [10] StaLvY
[14:11:34] <botje`> [11] *Decl ~decl@UTC| (con:mcobxs)
[14:11:37] <Decl`utc> .help
[14:11:37] <botje`> [14:11] #Decl# help
[14:11:38] <botje`> No help available on that.
Code: Select all
DCC Chat connection established
[14:20:08] <botje`> Enter your password.
[14:20:09] <Decl`utc> *********
[14:20:09] <botje`> You have no messages.
[14:20:10] <botje`> *** Decl joined the party line.
[14:20:15] <Decl`utc> .who
[14:20:15] <botje`> [14:44] #Decl# who
[14:20:16] <botje`> Party line members: (* = owner, + = master, % = botmaster, @ = op, ^ = halfop)
[14:20:16] <botje`> [10] StaLvY
[14:20:16] <botje`> [11] *Decl ~decl@UTC| (con:mcobxs)