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OK, so I'm a dumbass...

Old posts that have not been replied to for several years.

Post by Spot »

...and it's late, and I'm tired. I've been trying to create a "slap" script of sorts(yea, I know it's lame, but I'm trying to learn =P), piecing together what I've understood of the docs so far and using other scripts as examples, but I'm a bit lost here. I need another set of eyes to look at what I've been working on, and let me know what I've f**ked up this time. It's prolly a total wash, but here it is:

--begin code--
set slap {

"slaps $arg around a bit with a large trout"

"slaps $arg around with $nick's stinky old sock!"

bind pub - !slap slapit:pub:slap

proc slapit:pub:slap {nick uhost hand chan arg}
set cmd [string tolower [lindex $arg 0]]
if {$cmd == ""} {
putmsg $chan "02DOES NOT COMPUTE...DOES NOT COMPUTE02"; return 0}
if { $slap != "" } {
{[lindex $slap [rand [llength $slap]]]}
putact $chan "$slap"
--end code--

Thanks for any help given.