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Connection refused

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Connection refused

Post by byte »

Hi, i have a problem with eggdrop and debian (kernel in my linux server, when my connection with static ip is down, the eggdrop quit with ping timeout, but when the connection return UP the eggdrop not connect to the irc network and in dcc i have connection refused and the eggdrop needed a kill and restart for join the network :roll: why ?

many tnx..
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Post by demond »

maybe the log says why?
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De Kus
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Post by De Kus »

is your connection directly the ethernet interface and do you use the var "my-ip"?! if yes, try not using it so the bot binds to all interfaces. If the interface the bot is connected to "dies", it might not reopen it later again. But it might also run out of sockets triing to reconnct too often and too fast (in the later case you should definitly have logs saying that).
De Kus
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Post by byte »

yes, i bind with my-ip , but if bind or (all interface), i have the same errors :?
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Post by demond »

what errors? show us the log, preferably with flag +d, also the output of .dccstat