hmm my eggdrop works, but since I put in the conf file
a secound channnel, the log features won´t work correctly.
The Problem is, I use PISG to have an analysis for my hp.
So now the bot everday sets the current logfile to *.log.yesterday
and open a new channel.log file.
It works as long as my bot joins only one channel but now it won´t
work, i searched throught the whole net but dont find anything like
Heres a small copy from my conf file: (include the Log Feature settings)
Code: Select all
# Creating Channel1
channel add #channel1 {
chanmode "+nrt-likm"
idle-kick 0
stopnethack-mode 0
# Creating Channel2
channel add #channel2 {
chanmode "+nrt-likm"
idle-kick 0
stopnethack-mode 0
# LogFile for Channel
logfile jpks #channel1 "/opt/dawny/tmp/chan1.log"
logfile jpks #channel2 "/opt/dawny/tmp/chan2.log"
# Log Features
set log-time 1
set keep-all-logs 0
set switch-log-files-at 2500
set logfile-suffix ".%d%b%Y"
set quite-save 0
set quick-logs 0
set max-logsize 0
please guys help me