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Old posts that have not been replied to for several years.
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Post by tahu »

hello guys..
got this badnick kicker thinghy but with little problem, it does kick a nick
like for example: Piss ,cause these kinda words are in the badnick list
But when someone makes combinations like for example: pissing_tom
that nick wont get kicked. How can i make this work ?

Code: Select all

set bnick {
#Set this to the time for which you would like to place a bad nick host on ban.
#0 makes the ban permanent.(Not recommended)
set bnick_bantime 30

#Set this to the time after which you would like to reset the timer for the
#bad nick.
set bnick_reset 60

#Set this to the number of times you want to warn before you would like to
#place ban.0 gives no warnings.
set bnick_warnings 1

#Set this to the reason to be given while kicking the offender the first time.
set bnick_kick "Your nick offends me.Change it and come back."

#Set this to the reason while banning the user after bnick_warnings have expired
set bnick_ban "I think I told you to change ur nick.Now we don't need you."

# How do you want it to mask a ban?  Default == 2
#      0 - *!user@host.domain
#      1 - *!*user@host.domain
#      2 - *!*@host.domain
#      3 - *!*user@*.domain
#      4 - *!*@*.domain
#      5 - nick!user@host.domain
#      6 - nick!*user@host.domain
#      7 - nick!*@host.domain
#      8 - nick!*user@*.domain
#      9 - nick!*@*.domain
#     You can also specify a type of 10 to 19 which correspond to masks 0 to 9, but
#     instead of using a * wildcard to replace portions of the host.domain, it uses ?
#     wildcards to replace the numbers in the address.
set bnick_ban_type 12

## You can edit below this but dont mail me if things start acting weird :Þ  ##
bind join - * bnick:check
bind nick - * bnick:check

proc bnick:check {nick uhost hand chan {newnick ""}} {
	global logo bnicks bnick_bantime bnick bnick_reset bnick_warnings bnick_kick bnick_ban bnick_ban_type
	if {$newnick == ""} {set newnick $nick}
	foreach bword [split $bnick "\n"] {		
		if {[regexp -nocase $bword $newnick] && [botisop $chan]} {
			if {![info exists bnicks($uhost)]} {
				set bnicks($uhost) 1
				putkick $chan $newnick "$bnick_kick [count_update 0]  $logo"
				timer $bnick_reset "unset bnicks($uhost)"
				putlog "Warned and kicked $newnick on $chan for using bad nicks."
				puthelp "NOTICE $newnick :Change your nick before you come to $chan.The next time I catch you using bad nicks, I will ban you.  $logo"
				} {
				if {$bnicks($uhost) < $bnick_warnings} {
					incr bnicks($uhost)
					bnick:resettimer "bnicks($uhost)"
					timer $bnick_reset "unset bnicks($uhost)"
					putkick $chan $newnick "Warning $bnicks($uhost) for using bad nicks.Be careful I am watching you... [count_update 0]  $logo"
					puthelp "NOTICE $newnick :Join $chan with a bad nick for [expr $bnick_warnings - $bnick($uhost)] more time(s) and I will make sure you will join no more.  $logo"
					putlog "Warning $bnick($uhost) for $newnick on $chan for using bad nicks."
				} {
					unset bnicks($uhost)
					bnick:resettimer "bnicks($uhost)"
					newchanban $chan [bnick:masktype $nick!$uhost $bnick_ban_type] "Bad Nick Protection" "$bnick_ban [count_update 1]  $logo" $$bnick_bantime
					putkick $chan $newnick "$bnick_ban [count_update 1]  $logo"
proc bnick:resettimer {reset} {
	foreach time_check [string tolower [timers]] {
		if {[string match *$reset* $time_check]} {killtimer [lindex [split $time_check] end]}

proc bnick:replace {string subs} {
 if {[llength $subs] == "1"} {set subs [lindex $subs 0]}
 for {set i 0} {[lindex $subs $i] != ""} {incr i 2} {
  regsub -all -- [lindex $subs $i] $string [lindex $subs [expr $i+1]] string
 } ; return $string

proc bnick:masktype {uhost type} {
 if {![string match "*!*@*.*" $uhost]} {
  set nick [lindex [split $uhost "!"] 0] ; set uhost "$nick![getchanhost $nick]"
  if {$uhost == "$nick!"} {set type "return_nothing"}
 switch -exact $type {
  0 {set ban "*[string range $uhost [string first ! $uhost] e]"}
  1 {set ban "*!*[string trimleft [string range $uhost [expr [string first ! $uhost]+1] e] "~"]"}
  2 {set ban "*!*[string range $uhost [string first @ $uhost] e]"}
  3 {
   set ident [string range $uhost [expr [string first ! $uhost]+1] [expr [string last @ $uhost]-1]]
   set ban "*!*[string trimleft $ident "~"][string range [maskhost $uhost] [string first @ [maskhost $uhost]] e]"
  4 {set ban "*!*[string range [maskhost $uhost] [string last "@" [maskhost $uhost]] e]"}
  5 {set ban $uhost}
  6 {
   set nick [string range $uhost 0 [expr [string first "!" $uhost]-1]]
   set ident [string range $uhost [expr [string first "!" $uhost]+1] [expr [string last "@" $uhost]-1]]
   set ban "$nick!*[string trimleft $ident "~"][string range $uhost [string last "@" $uhost] e]"
  7 {
   set nick [string range $uhost 0 [expr [string first "!" $uhost]-1]]
   set ban "$nick!*[string range $uhost [string last "@" $uhost] e]"
  8 {
   set nick [string range $uhost 0 [expr [string first "!" $uhost]-1]]
   set ident [string range $uhost [expr [string first "!" $uhost]+1] [expr [string last "@" $uhost]-1]]
   set ban "$nick!*[string trimleft $ident "~"][string range [maskhost $uhost] [string last "@" [maskhost $uhost]] e]"
  9 {
   set nick [string range $uhost 0 [expr [string first "!" $uhost]-1]]
   set ban "$nick!*[string range [maskhost $uhost] [string last "@" [maskhost $uhost]] e]"
  10 {
   set host [string range $uhost [string last "@" $uhost] e]
   if {[bnick:findip [string range $host 1 e]] == "0"} {
    set host [bnick:replace $host "1 ? 2 ? 3 ? 4 ? 5 ? 6 ? 7 ? 8 ? 9 ? 0 ?"]
    set ident [string range $uhost [expr [string first "!" $uhost]+1] [expr [string last "@" $uhost]-1]]
    set ban "*!$ident$host"
   } {set ban [bnick:masktype $uhost 0]}
  11 {
   set host [string range $uhost [string last "@" $uhost] e]
   if {[bnick:findip [string range $host 1 e]] == "0"} {
    set host [bnick:replace $host "1 ? 2 ? 3 ? 4 ? 5 ? 6 ? 7 ? 8 ? 9 ? 0 ?"]
    set ident [string range $uhost [expr [string first "!" $uhost]+1] [expr [string last "@" $uhost]-1]]
    set ban "*!*[string trimleft $ident "~"]$host"
   } {set ban [bnick:masktype $uhost 1]}
  12 {
   set host [string range $uhost [string last "@" $uhost] e]
   if {[bnick:findip [string range $host 1 e]] == "0"} {
    set host [bnick:replace $host "1 ? 2 ? 3 ? 4 ? 5 ? 6 ? 7 ? 8 ? 9 ? 0 ?"]
    set ban "*!*$host"
   } {set ban [bnick:masktype $uhost 2]}
  13 {
   set host [string range $uhost [string last "@" $uhost] e]
   if {[bnick:findip [string range $host 1 e]] == "0"} {set ban [bnick:masktype $uhost 11]} {set ban [bnick:masktype $uhost 3]}
  14 {
   set host [string range $uhost [string last "@" $uhost] e]
   if {[bnick:findip [string range $host 1 e]] == "0"} {set ban [bnick:masktype $uhost 12]} {set ban [bnick:masktype $uhost 4]}
  15 {
   set host [string range $uhost [string last "@" $uhost] e]
   if {[bnick:findip [string range $host 1 e]] == "0"} {
    set host [bnick:replace $host "1 ? 2 ? 3 ? 4 ? 5 ? 6 ? 7 ? 8 ? 9 ? 0 ?"]
    set rest [string range $uhost 0 [expr [string last "@" $uhost]-1]]
    set ban $rest$host
   } {set ban [bnick:masktype $uhost 5]}
  16 {
   set host [string range $uhost [string last "@" $uhost] e]
   if {[bnick:findip [string range $host 1 e]] == "0"} {
    set host [bnick:replace $host "1 ? 2 ? 3 ? 4 ? 5 ? 6 ? 7 ? 8 ? 9 ? 0 ?"]
    set rest "[string range $uhost 0 [expr [string first "!" $uhost]-1]]!*[string trimleft [string range $uhost [expr [string first "!" $uhost]+1] [expr [string last "@" $uhost]-1]] "~"]"
    set ban $rest$host
   } {set ban [bnick:masktype $uhost 6]}
  17 {
   set host [string range $uhost [string last "@" $uhost] e]
   if {[bnick:findip [string range $host 1 e]] == "0"} {
    set host [bnick:replace $host "1 ? 2 ? 3 ? 4 ? 5 ? 6 ? 7 ? 8 ? 9 ? 0 ?"]
    set rest "[string range $uhost 0 [expr [string first "!" $uhost]-1]]!*"
    set ban $rest$host 
   } {set ban [bnick:masktype $uhost 7]}
  18 {
   set host [string range $uhost [string last "@" $uhost] e]
   if {[bnick:findip [string range $host 1 e]] == "0"} {set ban [bnick:masktype $uhost 16]} {set ban [bnick:masktype $uhost 8]}
  19 {
   set host [string range $uhost [string last "@" $uhost] e]
   if {[bnick:findip [string range $host 1 e]] == "0"} {set ban [bnick:masktype $uhost 17]} {set ban [bnick:masktype $uhost 9]}
  return_nothing {set ban ""}
  default {set ban "*!*[string range $uhost [string first "@" $uhost] e]"}
 set _nick [lindex [split $ban !] 0]
 set _ident [string range $ban [expr [string first ! $ban]+1] [expr [string last @ $ban]-1]]
 set _host [string range $ban [expr [string last @ $ban]+1] e]
 if {$_ident != [set temp [string range $_ident [expr [string length $_ident]-9] e]]} {
  set _ident *[string trimleft $temp *]
 if {$_host != [set temp [string range $_host [expr [string length $_host]-63] e]]} {
  set _host *[string trimleft $temp *]
 } ; return $_nick!$_ident@$_host

proc bnick:findip {args} {
 catch {unset bnick_found_ip}
 if {![string match *.*.*.* $args]} {return 0}
 foreach arg $args {
  if {[string match *.*.*.* $arg]} {
   set bnick_testa [split $arg "."] ; set i 0
   while {[llength $bnick_testa] != $i} {
    set bnick_test [lrange $bnick_testa $i end]
    if {[string length [lindex $bnick_test 1]]<4 && [string length [lindex $bnick_test 2]]<4} {
     if {[lindex $bnick_test 1] < 256 && [lindex $bnick_test 2] < 256 && [lindex $bnick_test 1] >= 0 && [lindex $bnick_test 2] >= 0} {
      set first "abcdefghi"
      if {[string index [lindex $bnick_test 0] [expr [string length [lindex $bnick_test 0]] - 1]] <= 9 && [string index [lindex $bnick_test 0] [expr [string length [lindex $bnick_test 0]] - 1]] >= 0} {
       set first [string range [lindex $bnick_test 0] [expr [string length [lindex $bnick_test 0]] - 1] end]
       if {[string index [lindex $bnick_test 0] [expr [string length [lindex $bnick_test 0]] - 2]] <= 9 && [string index [lindex $bnick_test 0] [expr [string length [lindex $bnick_test 0]] - 2]] >= 0} {
        set first [string range [lindex $bnick_test 0] [expr [string length [lindex $bnick_test 0]] - 2] end]
        if {[string index [lindex $bnick_test 0] [expr [string length [lindex $bnick_test 0]] - 3]] <= 9 && [string index [lindex $bnick_test 0] [expr [string length [lindex $bnick_test 0]] - 3]] >= 0} {
         set first [string range [lindex $bnick_test 0] [expr [string length [lindex $bnick_test 0]] - 3] end]
      set second [lindex $bnick_test 1] ; set third [lindex $bnick_test 2] ; set fourth "abcdefghi"
      if {[string index [lindex $bnick_test 3] 0] <= 9 && [string index [lindex $bnick_test 3] 0] >= 0} {
       set fourth [string index [lindex $bnick_test 3] 0]
       if {[string index [lindex $bnick_test 3] 1] <= 9 && [string index [lindex $bnick_test 3] 1] >= 0} {
        set fourth $fourth[string index [lindex $bnick_test 3] 1]
        if {[string index [lindex $bnick_test 3] 2] <= 9 && [string index [lindex $bnick_test 3] 2] >= 0} {
         set fourth $fourth[string index [lindex $bnick_test 3] 2]
      if {($first < 256) && ($second < 256) && ($third < 256) &&
          ($fourth < 256) && ($first > 0) && ($second > 0) &&
          ($third > 0) && ($fourth > 0) && ([string index $first 0] > 0) &&
          ([string index $second 0] > 0) && ([string index $third 0] > 0) &&
          ([string index $fourth 0] > 0)} {
       if {[info exists bnick_found_ip]} {
        set bnick_found_ip "$bnick_found_ip $first.$second.$third.$fourth"
       } {set bnick_found_ip $first.$second.$third.$fourth}
    } ; incr i +1
 } ; if {[info exists bnick_found_ip]} {return $bnick_found_ip} {return 0}
<edit>there. happy now demond? :)</edit>
no limit to learn
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Post by demond »


yet another incredibly bloated script and clueless poster (dude, haven't you noticed that, unlike you, most people post code in a certain way and format?)
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Post by Sir_Fz »

Why don't you add "piss*" to the badnick list.
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Post by awyeah »

This script is quite useless and has a lengthy and un-necessary code, which doesn't look very effective to me. Try searching the tcl forum for "badnick" or "bad nick". I remember alot of people including me have made sample codes for simpler, easier and much effective badnick scripts than this one.

Besides "piss*" would match
even it would match "piss"
--> * matches 0 or more characters of any type

Facebook: (Jay Dee)
PS: Guys, I don't accept script helps or requests personally anymore.