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Help with this script Thnx

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Help with this script Thnx

Post by whiteshark »

Hello who can edit this script that all users on the channel in the command !nieuws can use.
everybody use !nieuws that the bot the nieuws on the channel voice,op ect.
Thnx you

Code: Select all

# Script: Channel Rules           # You are free to edit #
# Version: 1.0.0                  # this script as much  #
# Author: Alien                   # as you want as long  #
# Email:      # as you keep my name  #
# Web: # in credits.          #
# This simple script will make a  # Feel free to email   #
# public command with channel     # me with suggestions  #
# rules. It's fully configurable .# or bugs.             #
# It's not much but it's useful.  #                      #

# Configuration starts here

# Channel where you want to use rules command. 
# ex: "#channel" or use "" for all

set rules_channels ""

# This is command to review channel rules

set rules_command "!nieuws"

# Should rules be sent as chan msg (0) or private msg (1)

set rules_sendas "0"

# This message will be posted when someone
# request rules.

set rules_rules "Om gratis de Bot in je channel te krijgen die het Nieuws weergeeft van Fok,Gamer,Cs,hoef je het volgende alleen maar te doen,typ \002!idle #channelnaam \002 (  \0031Maar pas op om de bot te behouden moet je idlen op , dus dat wil zeggen als jij disconnect van of quakenet dan disconnect de Bot ook van jouw channel en zou je weer van voor af aan moeten beginnen met) \0034 \002!idle #channelnaam \002"

#                      End of conf                      #
# You shouldn't edit anything below unless you know how.#

# OK, let's bind a litle

bind pub - $rules_command pub_rules

# Now the procedure to cover that bind

proc pub_rules { nick host hand chan smt } {
global rules_channels rules_rules rules_sendas
if {$rules_sendas == "0"} { set tgt $chan }
if {$rules_sendas == "1"} { set tgt $nick }
 if {$rules_channels == ""} {
         puthelp "PRIVMSG $tgt :$nick, \002-Nieuws-\002 $rules_rules"
         return 0
 if {$chan == $rules_channels} {
         puthelp "PRIVMSG $tgt :$nick,\002-Nieuws-\002 $rules_rules"

# That should do it. Now let me adv :P

putlog "ALI: Loaded Channel Rules TCL by Alien"
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Post by demond »

it already does that, you are on the wrong forum and curiously enough for a Dutch native, your English is awful (YooHoo would have said you talk like Yoda)
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Post by Alchera »

demond wrote:for a Dutch native, your English is awful
Why would a Dutchman be able to speak perfect English when it's not their first language?
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Post by demond »

Alchera wrote:
demond wrote:for a Dutch native, your English is awful
Why would a Dutchman be able to speak perfect English when it's not their first language?
because they learn it at school from an early age, they practice it a lot, and probably because of some other reasons I'm not aware of; the fact is that most of the Dutch and the Scandinavian people are rather well versed in English (as opposed to the people from other countries) for whatever reasons
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Post by Alchera »

I knew most Scandinavians were relatively fluent in English. Maybe amstelbier was a little excited when they posted and was thinking in Dutch? Happens with a French Canadian I know, they start thinking in French and their English goes straight out the window.
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Post by demond »

could be, could be ;) as of French Canadians, their choice of language is rather conscious at all times, but that's another story hehe
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Post by Dizzle »

I'm Dutch, it aint easy too learn english in a good way, like demond sad "amstelbier" has learned english on school, like every dutch child, so think before you write.

I have too read too all my words too check them out before i post :wink:
What's this real life ppl keep talking about ??? And where can I download it ???