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how to set $nick into variables

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how to set $nick into variables

Post by Reynaldo »

Code: Select all

set hellobib {
{hi too =)}
{yups what's up}
{hi there}
{aw aw}
{welcome $nick}

bind pubm - "*" pub_haii
proc pub_haii {nick uhost hand chan args} {
global hellobib botnick
 if {[regexp -nocase "hai" $args] || [regexp -nocase "hello" $args] > 0} { 
	set helloline [lindex $hellobib [rand [llength $hellobib]]]
	putserv "PRIVMSG $chan :$helloline"
how to take the $nick into $hellobib, when somebody spoken in channel.
the bot always saying: welcome $nick, not welcome "somebody nick"
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Post by demond »

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set hellobib {
{hi too =)}
{yups what's up}
{hi there}
{aw aw}
{welcome }

bind pubm - "*" pub_haii
proc pub_haii {nick uhost hand chan args} {
global hellobib botnick
 if {[regexp -nocase "hai" $args] || [regexp -nocase "hello" $args]} {
   set helloline [lindex $hellobib [rand [llength $hellobib]]]
   if {$helloline == "welcome "} {append helloline $nick}
   putserv "PRIVMSG $chan :$helloline"
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De Kus
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Post by De Kus »

I beleave he was looking for:

putserv "PRIVMSG $chan :[subst -nobackslashes -nocommands $helloline]"

that would enable him to use phrases like
"welcome $nick in our channel $chan. enjoy your stay!"
without modify the whole script but just the list.
De Kus
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Post by caesar »

*Off topic*
Subst works with -nob (instead of -nobackslashes) and -noc (instead of -nocommands) duno exactly from what version.

-nobackslashes or -nob means you won't be able to use any '\' won't be replaced, that means no bold, underline, italic, etc.

-nocommands or -noc means you won't be able to use commands, example: length of $nick is [llength $nick]

And about that regexp, if {[regexp -nocase {(hai|hello)} $args]} { # your stuff } should do better than two regexp if you want to use one, if I where you I'd go with a 'string match -nocase' :P
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Post by De Kus »

dont know about the option shortcuts, maybe you can always shorten them to a unique expression. at least these are not mentioned in the command documentaion, so I rather beleave its something global.
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Tcl: 1
tcl: evaluate (.tcl): string mat -n *a* Age
Tcl: 1
if you actually concern about perfomance you really should cache the regexp by using it like:

Code: Select all

set hellore {(?i)(hai|hello)}
  global hellobib hellore botnick
  if {[regexp $hellore $args]} {
De Kus
StarZ|De_Kus, De_Kus or DeKus on IRC
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Post by Reynaldo »

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if {$helloline == "welcome "} {append helloline $nick to $chan :)}
output:welcome nickto#chan:)
