I want my bot to join #channel when somebody type !idle #channel on pub. And if this somebody parts from My channel the bot will part his.

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set yourchan "#chan1"
bind pub - !idle idle:chan
proc idle:chan {nick uhost hand chan arg} {
if {![string equal -nocase $::yourchan $chan]} { return 0 }
if {![string index # [set c [lindex [split $arg] 0]]]} {
channel add $c
timer 1 [list check:idle $nick $::yourchan $c]
proc check:idle {n yc c} {
if {![onchan $n $yc]} {
if {[validchan $c]} {
channel remove $c
return 0
timer 1 [list check:idle $n $yc $c]
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if {![string index # [set c [lindex [split $arg] 0]]]} {
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if {[string first # [set c [lindex [split $arg] 0]]] == 0} {
No, i think 20 % off quakenet users contains eggdrops idlebots, and idling bouncers.demond wrote:yeah right, and 200k users are all humanDecl wrote:Btw, just to note - idlebots, clones and other thatkind stuff is stricktly forbidden on Quakenet IRC Network.
heh, my home country's biggest network also happens to run similar entity, which is naive at best, and annoying to the users; I wonder if they borrowed it from qnetMeTroiD wrote: This bot creates random clients with random hostnames that join big channels to check for onjoin messages by trojans
well it must be that quake thing; I simply can't imagine an adult who is a gaming freakAlso, i think you are very much underestimating Quakenet demond. It rarely happens that quakenet opers don't find out about such botnets on Quakenet seeing as they have all kinds of services which detect exactly these things.
come on, the last few weeks are a disaster, butt dont gett me wrong metroid, i think quakenet is a good network, with very good channel services. Only thing i hate, the operators off qnet arent very friendly.MeTroiD wrote:Wrong, Q hardly splits at all.