I have this code:
Code: Select all
# commands
set temp(list) [list next voice helped "" noidle "" skip "" put "" list ""]
foreach "temp(1) temp(2)" $temp(list) {
if {$temp(2) == ""} {set temp(2) $temp(1)}
foreach temp(bind) [binds next:$temp(2)] {
unbind pub [lindex $temp(bind) 1] [lindex $temp(bind) 2] next:$temp(2)
bind pub - .$temp(1) next:$temp(2)
set flags [if {[isop $nick $backchannel]}]
bind pub $flags .$temp(1) next:$temp(2)
.. Like users who are oped in the back channel will be able to use the commands.. is that possible?