Hello, I´d like my eggdrop to say a certain message into a channel if an user writes a keyword. For instance he writes "hi "and the eggdrop says a certain message (like: hi, how are you?)
try to help yourself by reading all-you-need-to-know-about-eggdrop-scripting file named tcl-commands.doc, included with eggdrop
hints: pay attention to [bind] command, which allows you to set up triggers that will be fired up on events like, for example, saying something on channel
more hints: you need to use [bind pubm] and [putserv]
(if you don't know Tcl, you should take some time off posting here and learn some Tcl basics)
...and there is even AI (artificial intelligence) module called MegaHAL, which supposedly tries to make the bot to look 'smarter' by learning (automatically adding) new phrases to bot's dictionary
yes, but i am slowly sick of being referred to tuts. whats a forum then for? can someone write it here? shouldnt be to hard to copy it out of your scripts. thanks
well, let us see... did you even bother to look at [bind]'s description in tcl-commands.doc? if so, what exactly is it you didn't understand? what about [putserv]? I bet you did not
I, for one, won't write a single line of code for a person who is not willing to do a minimal effort to also help themselves (and I suspect that handful of people who contribute code for these forums feel the same way) - if you are sick of this, I feel sorry for you but that's that