DALnet services tend to lag at times. On secured ops channels, services will deop clients until they id successfully. This makes for a nasty +op -op flood if the bots and op scripts are set to op each other. Any ideas from anyone on scripting a way to stop a bot from joining it's channels until it gets a nickserv reply msg would be greatly appreciated! I know how to bind a proc to the /ns reply, but never looked to see if there's any bot code that can be changed to stop the auto chans join on connect. Thanks!
And recently, i had to change the msgrate to 5 seconds becuz my bot wuz flooding off channel, cuz i made it to play a txt file to people who requested virus info.
But after i changed msgrate to 5 secs, my bot used to change nick to guest atleast 2 times before it successfully idented to nickserv.
I'm having a similar problem like that of Malfunction's, and i tried to solve it by making bop_delay (netbots) for sometime before the op procedures get triggered. And still the bot op/deop flood happens
You can try this script, it identifies when it connects and when nickserv returns from splits. In mine it uses putserv, but since you said your queue sucks, I changed it to putdccraw.